如何将模拟实例注入 Rust 特征,同时保留该模拟的引用

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我制作了这个名为 Oracle 的 Rust 结构,它可以回答任何问题

/// Oracle is a wise entity that can answer questions
pub struct Oracle {
    source: Rc<dyn WisdomSource>,

impl Oracle {
    pub fn new() -> Oracle {
        Oracle {
            source: Rc::new(Magic8Ball)

    pub fn ask(&self, question: &String) -> String {


/// Trait for a source of wisdom
trait WisdomSource {
    fn ask(&self, question: &String) -> String;

/// Default source of wisdom implementation
struct Magic8Ball;

impl WisdomSource for Magic8Ball {
    fn ask(&self, question: &String) -> String {
        let answers = vec!["yes", "no", "maybe", "ask again later"];

        let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
        question.hash(&mut hasher);
        let hash_value = hasher.finish();
        let index = (hash_value % 4) as usize;

为了对此预言机进行单元测试,我将注入 WisdomSource 的模型

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_sage() {
        let mut mockup_source = MockWisdomSource::new();
        let source: Rc<dyn WisdomSource> = Rc::new(mockup_source);
        let sage = Oracle{source};
        let answer = sage.ask(&"What is the meaning of life?".to_string());

        assert_eq!(answer, "42");
        // Check that the mockup was called
        mockup_source.checkpoint();  // How to get access get reference to the mockup_source?


单元测试的最后一行无法编译,因为“mockup_source”的所有权已转移到 RC“source”。

我无法使用 RC 的引用,因为该特征没有 checkpoint() 方法。

AFAIK,我无法将 '&dyn WisdomSource' 向上转换为 '&MockWisdomSource'


rust borrow-checker mockall

kmdreko 的提示似乎有效。 Oracle 现在拥有 RC

pub struct Oracle {
    source: Rc<RefCell<dyn WisdomSource>>,

impl Oracle {
    pub fn new() -> Oracle {
        Oracle {
            source: Rc::new(RefCell::new(Magic8Ball))

    pub fn ask(&self, question: &String) -> String {

然后在单元测试中,我将保留模拟的 RefCell 的 RC,并将该 RC 的克隆注入到 Oracle

fn test_sage() {
    let mockup_rc = Rc::new(RefCell::new(MockWisdomSource::new()));

    let source = Rc::clone(&mockup_rc) as Rc<RefCell<dyn WisdomSource>>;        
    let sage = Oracle{source};
    let answer = sage.ask(&"What is the meaning of life?".to_string());

    assert_eq!(answer, "42");
    // Check that the mockup was called
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