
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我一直在尝试模拟绕太阳运动的行星和小行星,我发现了这个链接: 如何在已绘制的椭圆上绘制行星轨道随时间的变化?

我决定研究并尝试其中的代码。但似乎我要么使用错误,要么代码错误,因为当我绘制火星、地球、木星、水星和金星的轨道时,它们似乎与美国宇航局的在线模拟不一致,例如这个: https://eyes.nasa.gov/apps/solar-system/#/home

根据 NASA 模拟的当前位置: 美国宇航局模拟:

根据我的情节,当前位置: 我的模拟


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse, Circle

#Set axes aspect to equal as orbits are almost circular; hence square is needed
ax = plt.figure(0).add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')

#Setting the title, axis labels, axis values and introducing a grid underlay
#Variable used so title can indicate user inputed date
plt.title('Inner Planetary Orbits at[user input date]')
plt.ylabel('x10^6 km')
plt.xlabel('x10^6 km')
ax.set_xlim(-300, 300)
ax.set_ylim(-300, 300)

#Creating the point to represent the sun at the origin (not to scale), 
plt.annotate('Sun', xy=(0,-30))

#Implementing ellipse equations to generate the values needed to plot an ellipse
#Using only the planet's min (m) and max (M) distances from the sun
#Equations return '2a' (the ellipses width) and '2b' (the ellipses height)
def OrbitLength(M, m):
    return 2*a, 2*b

#This function uses the returned 2a and 2b for the ellipse function's variables
#Also generating the orbit offset (putting the sun at a focal point) using M and m
def PlanetOrbit(Name, M, m):
    w, h = OrbitLength(M, m)
    Xoffset= ((M+m)/2)-m
    Name = Ellipse(xy=((Xoffset),0), width=w, height=h, angle=0, linewidth=1, fill=False)

from math import *

EPSILON = 1e-12
def solve_bisection(fn, xmin,xmax,epsilon = EPSILON):
  while True:
      xmid = (xmin + xmax) * 0.5
      if (xmax-xmin < epsilon):
        return xmid
      fn_mid = fn(xmid)
      fn_min = fn(xmin)
      if fn_min*fn_mid < 0:
          xmax = xmid
          xmin = xmid
Found something similar at this gamedev question:

Equations taken from:
def SolveOrbit(rmax, rmin, t):
  # calculation precision
  epsilon = EPSILON
  # mass of the sun [kg]
  Msun = 1.9891e30
  # Newton's gravitational constant [N*m**2/kg**2]
  G = 6.6740831e-11
  # standard gravitational parameter
  mu = G*Msun
  # eccentricity
  eps = (rmax - rmin) / (rmax + rmin)
  # semi-latus rectum
  p = rmin * (1 + eps)
  # semi/half major axis
  a = p / (1 - eps**2)
  # period
  P = sqrt(a**3 / mu)
  # mean anomaly
  M = (t / P) % (2*pi)
  # eccentric anomaly
  def fn_E(E):
    return M - (E-eps*sin(E))
  E = solve_bisection(fn_E, 0, 2*pi)
  # true anomaly
  # TODO: what if E == pi?
  theta = 2*atan(sqrt((((1+eps)*tan(E/2)**2)/(1-eps))))
  # if we are at the second half of the orbit
  if (E > pi):
    theta = 2*pi - theta
  # heliocentric distance
  r = a * (1 - eps * cos(E))
  return theta, r

def DrawPlanet(name, rmax, rmin, t):
  SCALE = 1e9
  theta, r = SolveOrbit(rmax * SCALE, rmin * SCALE, t)
  x = -r * cos(theta) / SCALE
  y = r * sin(theta) / SCALE
  planet = Circle((x, y), 8)
#These are the arguments taken from hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/solar/soldata2.html
#They are the planet names, max and min distances, and their longitudinal angle
#Also included is Halley's Comet, used to show different scale  and eccentricity
PlanetOrbit('Mercury', 69.8, 46.0)
PlanetOrbit('Jupiter', 741, 817)
PlanetOrbit('Venus', 108.9, 107.5)
PlanetOrbit('Earth', 152.1, 147.1)
PlanetOrbit('Mars', 249.1, 206.7)

# t = time since perihelion in seconds
DrawPlanet('Earth', 152.1, 147.1, 206*60*60*24)
DrawPlanet('Mars', 249.1, 206.7, 77*60*60*24) 
DrawPlanet('Mercury', 69.8, 46.0, 43*60*60*24)
DrawPlanet('Jupiter', 741, 817, 552*60*60*24)
DrawPlanet('Venus', 108.9, 107.5, 16*60*60*24)  


这两个图像似乎没有明显对齐,所以我尝试了很多方法,例如:仅使用地球的近日点时间,重写 SolveOrbit 函数,以及使用 JPL HORIZONS api 查找近日点时间,以防万一它是错误的,我是这样的找不到。

我开始认为问题出在我输入的时间“t”而不是程序,因为我从这个网站得到了它们: https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20210612_11_100


python ellipse orbital-mechanics

用眼睛很难判断轨道,但是对于轨道的2D视图,它们看起来很好,请参阅此处的链接(回溯机)。提供的链接是 BPhO 提出的一系列挑战。

  • 他们在挑战 2 中拥有的行星的 2D 视图与你的相匹配,所以我认为这不是问题(请注意,单位是 AU,而不是 km)
  • 您的绘图看起来与您提供的绘图不同的主要原因是因为 3D 绘图需要倾斜角度,请参阅该链接以获取解释。
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