OPC UA 客户端证书连接问题:BadCertificateUseNotAllowed

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在使用 Softing C++ UA Toolkit v5.57 创建 OPC UA 客户端以连接到 OPC UA 服务器。 由于连接到服务器需要 SSL 加密(安全模式 SignAndEncrypt,安全策略 Basic256Sha256),我使用 OpenSSL 创建了自己的自签名证书。

此设置运行良好,直到 OPC UA 服务器最近更新(至少)改变了其证书的生成方式。我已经将自签名证书重新添加到服务器受信任的证书存储中,并将服务器的新证书添加到客户端的受信任证书存储中。我可以使用第 3 方 OPC UA 客户端成功连接到服务器。


错误 - 将跟踪调至最大,我可以看到我成功获取了端点,但是当更改时到


keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment

我看到的一个显着变化是 OPC UA 服务器的旧证书将其设置为

Subject Type=CA
Subject Type=End Entity
- 但由于我不使用服务器的证书作为 CA,因此我认为这里不应该有任何影响。


 Info   Application::initialize(...) 
 Info   Application::loadCertificate(...) 
 Info   Application::loadPrivateKey(...) 
 Info   Application::activateLicense(...) 
 Info   Application::start(...) 
 Info   FoundationStack::loadCertificate
 Info   Certificate loaded: 'C:/CERTIF~1/CERT_C~1.DER'
 Info   FoundationStack::loadPrivateKey
 Info   Application::getEndpointsFromServer(...) 
 Info   Client session: 05483FF0 constructor
 Info   Secure channel: 00842FD8(00000000) constructor
 Info   Secure channel: 00842FD8(00000000) registered
 Info   Secure channel: 00842FD8(00000000) add Session  (05483FF0) to opc.tcp:// [0]
 Info   Secure channel: 00842FD8(0540B838) opening sync
 Debug  Connection info url: opc.tcp://
 Debug  Connection info securityPolicy: http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None
 Debug  Connection info client certificate length: 1386
 Debug  Connection info client key length: 1191
 Debug  Connection info server certificate length: -1
 Debug  Connection info message security mode: 1
 Info   Endpoint idx        : 0
 Info   EndpointUrl         : 'opc.tcp://MO-CM-6:4842'
 Info   SecurityPolicyUri   : 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256'
 Info   SecurityMode        : 2
 Info   TransportProfileUri : 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA-Profile/Transport/uatcp-uasc-uabinary'
 Info   Certificate length  : 917
 Info   Server.ServerName          : 'Application 1'
 Info   Server.ServerUri           : 'urn:OPC-UA:Application 1'
 Info   Server.ProductUri          : 'urn:OPC-UA:Server'
 Info   Server.GatewayServerUri    : ' -- null char* string -- '
 Info   Server.DiscoveryProfileUri : ' -- null char* string -- '
 Info   UserIdentity token policy id : open62541-certificate-policy-sign#Basic256Sha256
 Info   UserIdentity token policy id : open62541-username-policy-sign#Basic256Sha256
 Info   Endpoint idx        : 1
 Info   EndpointUrl         : 'opc.tcp://MO-CM-6:4842'
 Info   SecurityPolicyUri   : 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256'
 Info   SecurityMode        : 3
 Info   TransportProfileUri : 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA-Profile/Transport/uatcp-uasc-uabinary'
 Info   Certificate length  : 917
 Info   Server.ServerName          : 'Application 1'
 Info   Server.ServerUri           : 'urn:OPC-UA:Application 1'
 Info   Server.ProductUri          : 'urn:OPC-UA:Server'
 Info   Server.GatewayServerUri    : ' -- null char* string -- '
 Info   Server.DiscoveryProfileUri : ' -- null char* string -- '
 Info   UserIdentity token policy id : open62541-certificate-policy-sign+encrypt#Basic256Sha256
 Info   UserIdentity token policy id : open62541-username-policy-sign+encrypt#Basic256Sha256
 Info   Secure channel: 00842FD8(0540B838) finally disconnecting sync
 Info   Secure channel: 00842FD8(0540B838) remove session  (05483FF0) to opc.tcp://
 Info   Secure channel: 00842FD8(00000000) unregistered
 Info   Secure channel: 00842FD8(00000000) destructor
 Info   Client session: 05483FF0 destructor, secure channel: 00000000
 Debug  Removed SynchronizeTargetStates action
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Disconnected
 Info   Client session: 05522F48 constructor
 Info   Session::setSecurityConfiguration(...) 
 Info   Application::addSession(...) 
 Info   Session::isConnected(...) 
 Info   Session::connect(...) 
 Info   Connecting session (05522F48) reconnect: 0
 Info   FoundationStack::createCryptoProvider
 Info   Session  (05522F48) doConnectDisconnect State: INIT
 Info   Asynchronous connect started
 Debug  Setting channel usage to USAGE_SESSION
 Info   doConnectDisconnect (session: 05522F48) getting endpoints
 Debug  Setting channel usage to USAGE_GETENDPOINTS
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(00000000) constructor
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(00000000) registered
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(00000000) add Session  (05522F48) to opc.tcp:// [0]
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(0540B838) opening async
 Debug  Connection info url: opc.tcp://
 Debug  Connection info securityPolicy: http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None
 Debug  Connection info client certificate length: 1386
 Debug  Connection info client key length: 1191
 Debug  Connection info server certificate length: 917
 Debug  Connection info message security mode: 1
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(0540B838) received stack callback (event 1)
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(0540B838) connection changed to connected
 Info   Session : Connection status changed to: CONNECTED, status = Good
 Info   Session  (05522F48) doConnectDisconnect State: INSECURE_CHANNEL_OPENED
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   Secure channel open response: Good
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   Session  (05522F48) doConnectDisconnect State: GETENDPOINTS_DONE
 Info   GetEndpoints response: Good
 Debug  Setting channel usage to USAGE_GETENDPOINTS
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(0540B838) closing async for session  (05522F48) to opc.tcp://
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(0540B838) finally disconnecting async
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(0540B838) received stack callback (event 2)
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(0540B838) connection changed to disconnected
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(0540B838) remove session  (05522F48) to opc.tcp://
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(00000000) unregistered
 Info   Session : Connection status changed to: DISCONNECTED, status = Good
 Info   postDisconnectEvent Good
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   Session  (05522F48) onDisconnectEvent Old state: Connecting
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(00000000) destructor
 Info   Session  (05522F48) doConnectDisconnect State: INSECURE_CHANNEL_CLOSED
 Debug  Setting channel usage to USAGE_SESSION
 Info   Secure channel: 00842BF0(00000000) constructor
 Info   Secure channel: 00842BF0(00000000) registered
 Info   Secure channel: 00842BF0(00000000) add Session  (05522F48) to opc.tcp:// [0]
 Info   Secure channel: 00842BF0(05408238) opening async
 Debug  Connection info url: opc.tcp://
 Debug  Connection info securityPolicy: http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256
 Debug  Connection info client certificate length: 1386
 Debug  Connection info client key length: 1191
 Debug  Connection info server certificate length: 917
 Debug  Connection info message security mode: 3
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Connecting
 Info   Secure channel: 00842BF0(05408238) received stack callback (event 1)
 Info   Secure channel: 00842BF0(05408238) connection changed to connected
 Info   Session : Connection status changed to: CONNECTED, status = BadCertificateUseNotAllowed
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   Session  (05522F48) doConnectDisconnect State: SECURE_CHANNEL_OPENED
 Info   Secure channel open response: BadCertificateUseNotAllowed
 Info   postDisconnectEvent BadCertificateUseNotAllowed
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   (842) Session  (05522F48) onDisconnectEvent Old state: Disconnecting
 Info   Session  (05522F48) doConnectDisconnect State: SECURE_CHANNEL_CLOSED
 Info   Close secure channel response: BadCertificateUseNotAllowed
 Info   Secure channel: 00842BF0(05408238) remove session  (05522F48) to opc.tcp://
 Info   Secure channel: 00842BF0(00000000) unregistered
 Info   Secure channel: 00842BF0(00000000) destructor
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Disconnected
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Disconnected
 Info   Sending response to agent: BadCertificateUseNotAllowed
 Info   Connect session done, new state:Disconnected
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Disconnected
 Error  Error result from API call Session::connect(...) BadCertificateUseNotAllowed
 Info   Session::isConnected(...) 
 Info   Application::removeSession(...) 
 Debug  Removed SynchronizeTargetStates action
 Info   Session  (05522F48) doConnectDisconnect State: INIT
 Info   Asynchronous disconnect started
 Info   channel already closed
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Disconnected
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   Sending response to agent: Good
 Debug  Removed SynchronizeTargetStates action
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Disconnected
 Info   Client session: 05522F48 destructor, secure channel: 00000000
 Debug  Removed SynchronizeTargetStates action
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Disconnected
 Info   Application::getEndpointsFromServer(...) 
 Info   Client session: 055231E8 constructor
 Info   Secure channel: 00842290(00000000) constructor
 Info   Secure channel: 00842290(00000000) registered
 Info   Secure channel: 00842290(00000000) add Session  (055231E8) to opc.tcp:// [0]
 Info   Secure channel: 00842290(0540B4F8) opening sync
 Debug  Connection info url: opc.tcp://
 Debug  Connection info securityPolicy: http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None
 Debug  Connection info client certificate length: 1386
 Debug  Connection info client key length: 1191
 Debug  Connection info server certificate length: -1
 Debug  Connection info message security mode: 1
 Info   Endpoint idx        : 0
 Info   EndpointUrl         : 'opc.tcp://MO-CM-6:4842'
 Info   SecurityPolicyUri   : 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256'
 Info   SecurityMode        : 2
 Info   TransportProfileUri : 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA-Profile/Transport/uatcp-uasc-uabinary'
 Info   Certificate length  : 917
 Info   Server.ServerName          : 'Application 1'
 Info   Server.ServerUri           : 'urn:OPC-UA:Application 1'
 Info   Server.ProductUri          : 'urn:OPC-UA:Server'
 Info   Server.GatewayServerUri    : ' -- null char* string -- '
 Info   Server.DiscoveryProfileUri : ' -- null char* string -- '
 Info   UserIdentity token policy id : open62541-certificate-policy-sign#Basic256Sha256
 Info   UserIdentity token policy id : open62541-username-policy-sign#Basic256Sha256
 Info   Endpoint idx        : 1
 Info   EndpointUrl         : 'opc.tcp://MO-CM-6:4842'
 Info   SecurityPolicyUri   : 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256'
 Info   SecurityMode        : 3
 Info   TransportProfileUri : 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA-Profile/Transport/uatcp-uasc-uabinary'
 Info   Certificate length  : 917
 Info   Server.ServerName          : 'Application 1'
 Info   Server.ServerUri           : 'urn:OPC-UA:Application 1'
 Info   Server.ProductUri          : 'urn:OPC-UA:Server'
 Info   Server.GatewayServerUri    : ' -- null char* string -- '
 Info   Server.DiscoveryProfileUri : ' -- null char* string -- '
 Info   UserIdentity token policy id : open62541-certificate-policy-sign+encrypt#Basic256Sha256
 Info   UserIdentity token policy id : open62541-username-policy-sign+encrypt#Basic256Sha256
 Info   Secure channel: 00842290(0540B4F8) finally disconnecting sync
 Info   Secure channel: 00842290(0540B4F8) remove session  (055231E8) to opc.tcp://
 Info   Secure channel: 00842290(00000000) unregistered
 Info   Secure channel: 00842290(00000000) destructor
 Info   Client session: 055231E8 destructor, secure channel: 00000000
 Debug  Removed SynchronizeTargetStates action
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Disconnected
 Info   Client session: 055231E8 constructor
 Info   Session::setSecurityConfiguration(...) 
 Info   Application::addSession(...) 
 Info   Session::isConnected(...) 
 Info   Session::connect(...) 
 Info   Connecting session (055231E8) reconnect: 0
 Info   Session  (055231E8) doConnectDisconnect State: INIT
 Info   Asynchronous connect started
 Debug  Setting channel usage to USAGE_SESSION
 Info   doConnectDisconnect (session: 055231E8) getting endpoints
 Debug  Setting channel usage to USAGE_GETENDPOINTS
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(00000000) constructor
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(00000000) registered
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(00000000) add Session  (055231E8) to opc.tcp:// [0]
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(0540B4B8) opening async
 Debug  Connection info url: opc.tcp://
 Debug  Connection info securityPolicy: http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None
 Debug  Connection info client certificate length: 1386
 Debug  Connection info client key length: 1191
 Debug  Connection info server certificate length: 917
 Debug  Connection info message security mode: 1
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(0540B4B8) received stack callback (event 1)
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(0540B4B8) connection changed to connected
 Info   Session : Connection status changed to: CONNECTED, status = Good
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   Session  (055231E8) doConnectDisconnect State: INSECURE_CHANNEL_OPENED
 Info   Secure channel open response: Good
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   Session  (055231E8) doConnectDisconnect State: GETENDPOINTS_DONE
 Info   GetEndpoints response: Good
 Debug  Setting channel usage to USAGE_GETENDPOINTS
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(0540B4B8) closing async for session  (055231E8) to opc.tcp://
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(0540B4B8) finally disconnecting async
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(0540B4B8) received stack callback (event 2)
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(0540B4B8) connection changed to disconnected
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(0540B4B8) remove session  (055231E8) to opc.tcp://
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(00000000) unregistered
 Info   Session : Connection status changed to: DISCONNECTED, status = Good
 Info   postDisconnectEvent Good
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   Session  (055231E8) onDisconnectEvent Old state: Connecting
 Info   Session  (055231E8) doConnectDisconnect State: INSECURE_CHANNEL_CLOSED
 Debug  Setting channel usage to USAGE_SESSION
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(00000000) constructor
 Info   Secure channel: 00842420(00000000) destructor
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(00000000) registered
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(00000000) add Session  (055231E8) to opc.tcp:// [0]
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(05408538) opening async
 Debug  Connection info url: opc.tcp://
 Debug  Connection info securityPolicy: http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256
 Debug  Connection info client certificate length: 1386
 Debug  Connection info client key length: 1191
 Debug  Connection info server certificate length: 917
 Debug  Connection info message security mode: 3
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Connecting
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(05408538) received stack callback (event 1)
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(05408538) connection changed to connected
 Info   Session : Connection status changed to: CONNECTED, status = BadCertificateUseNotAllowed
 Info   Session  (055231E8) doConnectDisconnect State: SECURE_CHANNEL_OPENED
 Info   Secure channel open response: BadCertificateUseNotAllowed
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   postDisconnectEvent BadCertificateUseNotAllowed
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   Session  (055231E8) onDisconnectEvent Old state: Disconnecting
 Info   Session  (055231E8) doConnectDisconnect State: SECURE_CHANNEL_CLOSED
 Info   Close secure channel response: BadCertificateUseNotAllowed
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(05408538) remove session  (055231E8) to opc.tcp://
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(00000000) unregistered
 Info   Secure channel: 00842678(00000000) destructor
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Disconnected
 Debug  : Number of scheduled work items: 1
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Disconnected
 Info   Sending response to agent: BadCertificateUseNotAllowed
 Info   Connect session done, new state:Disconnected
 Info   Update reconnect action : object state is Disconnected
 Error  Error result from API call Session::connect(...) BadCertificateUseNotAllowed



openssl x509 -inform der

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: O = My Company, OU = IA, CN = MyApplication, DC = MY-PC
            Not Before: Sep  9 13:10:30 2024 GMT
            Not After : Sep 11 13:10:30 2123 GMT
        Subject: O = My Company, OU = IA, CN = MyApplication, DC = MY-PC
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            Netscape Comment: 
                OpenSSL Generated Certificate
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
                DirName:/O=My Company/OU=IA/CN=MyApplication/DC=MY-PC

            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
            X509v3 Key Usage: 
                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
                TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
ssl-certificate opc-ua
        X509v3 Basic Constraints: 


查看 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/Core/Part6/v105/docs/6.2.2 了解应用程序实例证书的要求。

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