我刚刚完成了一个从POST方法返回String的项目。返回的字符串是“答案”,而POST BODY接受字符串“ question”。我的对象属性如下:
@NotNull(message = "Question can't be null.")
@NotEmpty(message = "Question must contain text.")
@Pattern(regexp = "\\?$",
message = "Invalid question. Requires a question mark at the end.")
private String question;
private String answer;
@PostMapping(value = "/answer")
public String getOneAnswer(@RequestBody @Valid String question) throws Exception {
if(question.equals("")) {
String missingInputErrorMessage = "question input is an empty or does not exist.";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(missingInputErrorMessage);
int random = random.nextInt((10) + 1);
for(Answers answer: seriesOfAnswers) {
if(random == answer.getAnswerId()) {
return answer.getAnswer().toString();
return "Return this string if all else fails";
"question": "This is a question"
"question": "This is a question?"
当前正则表达式无法验证POST BODY末尾是否有?
,正则表达式都会进行验证并向我显示该消息。我的问题是:如果可以这种格式使用正则表达式,我如何获取正则表达式以正确验证POST BODY中的“问题”值以?
@PostMapping(value = "/answer")
public String getOneAnswer(@RequestBody @Valid String question) throws Exception {
// The string with the regex we'll need to use. "q" for question.
String qMarkEndingRegex = "\\?$";
// The pattern we're going to check.
Pattern checkForQMark = Pattern.compile(qMarkEndingregex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
// The matcher to actually check the question
Matcher qMarkMatcher = checkForQMark.matcher(question);
// if the matcher does NOT detect a question mark as the regex states, run this code.
if (!qMarkMatcher.find()) {
String needsQ = "You need to add a question mark at the end of your question.";
return needsQ;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class RegularExpression{
public static void main(String[] args){
final String regex = "\\?\\s*$";
final String string = "This is a question?\n"
+ "This is a question? ";
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
while (matcher.find()) {
System.out.println("Full match: " + matcher.group(0));
for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
System.out.println("Group " + i + ": " + matcher.group(i));
[如果您想简化/修改/探索表达式,请在regex101.com的右上角进行说明。如果需要,您还可以在this link中查看它如何与某些示例输入匹配。