尝试编写一个使用Google Distance Matrix API来计算到单个位置的距离的python脚本。由于某种原因,它适用于某些地址,而不适用于其他地址,我无法弄清楚为什么会这样。
['Nordmarksvägen 15', 'Häggvägen 25B', 'Nordenskiöldsgatan 78', 'Oskarsvägen
7B', 'Norrviksvägen 22A']
to Kungstensgatan 6, 114 25 Stockholm, Sweden: status = NOT_FOUND
to Kungstensgatan 6, 114 25 Stockholm, Sweden: status = NOT_FOUND
to Kungstensgatan 6, 114 25 Stockholm, Sweden: status = NOT_FOUND
['13.5 km Nordmarksvägen 15, 123 72 Farsta, Sweden', '3.5 km
Nordenskiöldsgatan 78, 115 21 Stockholm, Sweden']
import json
import requests
import sys
# Google Distance Matrix Python Demo
# ==================================
# H
distances = []
org = []
if __name__ == '__main__':
# The API key must be provided on the command line, abort otherwise.
api_key = 'Just gonna keeps this away for now'
# Google Distance Matrix base URL to which all other parameters are attached
base_url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?'
# Google Distance Matrix domain-specific terms: origins and destinations
origins = ['Nordmarksvägen 15', 'Häggvägen 25B', 'Nordenskiöldsgatan 78', 'Oskarsvägen 7B', 'Norrviksvägen 22A']
destinations = ['Kungstensgatan 6']
# Prepare the request details for the assembly into a request URL
payload = {
'origins' : '|'.join(origins),
'destinations' : '|'.join(destinations),
'mode' : 'walking',
'api_key' : api_key
# Assemble the URL and query the web service
r = requests.get(base_url, params = payload)
# Check the HTTP status code returned by the server. Only process the response,
# if the status code is 200 (OK in HTTP terms).
if r.status_code != 200:
print('HTTP status code {} received, program terminated.'.format(r.status_code))
# Try/catch block should capture the problems when loading JSON data,
# such as when JSON is broken. It won't, however, help much if JSON format
# for this service has changed -- in that case, the dictionaries json.loads() produces
# may not have some of the fields queried later. In a production system, some sort
# of verification of JSON file structure is required before processing it. In XML
# this role is performed by XML Schema.
x = json.loads(r.text)
# Now you can do as you please with the data structure stored in x.
# Here, we print it as a Cartesian product.
for isrc, src in enumerate(x['origin_addresses']):
for idst, dst in enumerate(x['destination_addresses']):
row = x['rows'][isrc]
cell = row['elements'][idst]
if cell['status'] == 'OK':
distances.append(cell['distance']['text'] +" "+ src)
print('{} to {}: status = {}'.format(src, dst, cell['status']))
except ValueError:
print('Error while parsing JSON response, program terminated.')
origins = ['Nordmarksvägen 15']
origins = ['Nordmarksvägen 15, State, Country' ]