使用 Python 将网络共享映射到 Windows 驱动器的最佳方法是什么? 此共享还需要用户名和密码。
基于@Anon 的建议:
# Drive letter: M
# Shared drive path: \\shared\folder
# Username: user123
# Password: password
import subprocess
# Disconnect anything on M
subprocess.call(r'net use m: /del', shell=True)
# Connect to shared drive, use drive letter M
subprocess.call(r'net use m: \\shared\folder /user:user123 password', shell=True)
def mapDrive(drive, networkPath, user, password, force=0):
print networkPath
if (os.path.exists(drive)):
print drive, " Drive in use, trying to unmap..."
if force:
win32wnet.WNetCancelConnection2(drive, 1, 1)
print drive, "successfully unmapped..."
print drive, "Unmap failed, This might not be a network drive..."
return -1
print "Non-forcing call. Will not unmap..."
return -1
print drive, " drive is free..."
if (os.path.exists(networkPath)):
print networkPath, " is found..."
print "Trying to map ", networkPath, " on to ", drive, " ....."
win32wnet.WNetAddConnection2(win32netcon.RESOURCETYPE_DISK, drive, networkPath, None, user, password)
print "Unexpected error..."
return -1
print "Mapping successful"
return 1
print "Network path unreachable..."
return -1
def unmapDrive(drive, force=0):
#Check if the drive is in use
if (os.path.exists(drive)):
print "drive in use, trying to unmap..."
if force == 0:
print "Executing un-forced call..."
win32wnet.WNetCancelConnection2(drive, 1, force)
print drive, "successfully unmapped..."
return 1
print "Unmap failed, try again..."
return -1
print drive, " Drive is already free..."
return -1
import os
os.system("net use m: \\\\shared\folder")
import os
cmd = "net use m: \\\\shared\folder"
我家里没有可以测试的服务器,但也许您可以简单地使用标准库的子进程模块来执行适当的 NET USE 命令?
从 Windows 命令提示符查看 NET HELP USE,看起来您应该能够在 net use 命令中输入密码和用户 ID 来映射驱动器。
>>> import subprocess
>>> subprocess.check_call(['net', 'use'])
New connections will be remembered.
There are no entries in the list.
假设您导入必要的库,这是 RPC 服务器的一部分,客户端请求服务器在本地映射驱动器...
#Small function to check the availability of network resource.
def isAvailable(path):
winCMD = 'IF EXIST ' + path + ' echo YES'
cmdOutPut = subprocess.Popen(winCMD, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()
return string.find(str(cmdOutPut), 'YES',)
#Small function to check if the mention location is a directory
def isDirectory(path):
winCMD = 'dir ' + path + ' | FIND ".."'
cmdOutPut = subprocess.Popen(winCMD, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()
return string.find(str(cmdOutPut), 'DIR',)
def mapNetworkDrive(self, drive, networkPath, user, password):
#Check for drive availability
if isAvailable(drive) > -1:
#Drive letter is already in use
return -1
#Check for network resource availability
if isAvailable(networkPath) == -1:
print "Path not accessible: ", networkPath
#Network path is not reachable
return -1
#Prepare 'NET USE' commands
winCMD1 = 'NET USE ' + drive + ' ' + networkPath
winCMD2 = winCMD1 + ' ' + password + ' /User' + user
print "winCMD1 = ", winCMD1
print "winCMD2 = ", winCMD2
#Execute 'NET USE' command with authentication
winCMD = winCMD2
cmdOutPut = subprocess.Popen(winCMD, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()
print "Executed: ", winCMD
if string.find(str(cmdOutPut), 'successfully',) == -1:
print winCMD, " FAILED"
winCMD = winCMD1
#Execute 'NET USE' command without authentication, incase session already open
cmdOutPut = subprocess.Popen(winCMD, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()
print "Executed: ", winCMD
if string.find(str(cmdOutPut), 'successfully',) == -1:
print winCMD, " FAILED"
return -1
#Mapped on second try
return 1
#Mapped with first try
return 1
def unmapNetworkDrive(self, drive):
#Check if the drive is in use
if isAvailable(drive) == -1:
#Drive is not in use
return -1
#Prepare 'NET USE' command
winCMD = 'net use ' + drive + ' /DELETE'
cmdOutPut = subprocess.Popen(winCMD, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()
if string.find(str(cmdOutPut), 'successfully',) == -1:
#Could not UN-MAP, this might be a physical drive
return -1
#UN-MAP successful
return 1
如果您想映射当前登录用户,我认为子进程可以解决您的问题。但是您是否希望从单个主帐户控制不同用户的不同映射。您可以从 Windows 的寄存器中执行此操作
import win32api
import win32security
import win32profile
import win32netcon
import win32net
import win32netcon
import win32con
il = 'G'
m = '\\\\\\my_share_folder'
usu = 'my_user'
cla = 'passwd'
#login the user
hUser = win32security.LogonUser(
#load the profile
hReg = win32profile.LoadUserProfile (
{"UserName" : usu}
#alter the regedit entries of usu
win32api.RegCreateKey(hReg, "Network")
hkey = win32api.RegOpenKey(hReg, "Network\\", 0, win32con.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
win32api.RegCreateKey(hkey, il)
hkey = win32api.RegOpenKey(hReg, "Network\\%s" % il, 0, win32con.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
win32api.RegSetValueEx(hkey, "ConnectionType", 0, win32con.REG_DWORD, 1)
win32api.RegSetValueEx(hkey, "DeferFlags", 0, win32con.REG_DWORD, 4)
win32api.RegSetValueEx(hkey, "ProviderName", 0, win32con.REG_SZ, "Red de Microsoft Windows")
win32api.RegSetValueEx(hkey, "ProviderType", 0, win32con.REG_DWORD, 131072)
win32api.RegSetValueEx(hkey, "RemotePath", 0, win32con.REG_SZ, m)
win32api.RegSetValueEx(hkey, "UserName", 0, win32con.REG_DWORD, 0)
win32wnet.WNetAddConnection2(win32netcon.RESOURCETYPE_DISK, drive, networkPath, None, user, password)
win32wnet.WNetAddConnection2(1, 'Z:', r'\\UNCpath\share', None, 'login', 'password')
这是我创建的最佳方式,适用于 Windows 11
#pip install pwinput
# Drive letter: P
# Shared drive path: \\vnas04a\lc_adc_data04$\ADCALFSR01_Public\Work\
# nUsr: Var for your network user name
# nPas: Var for your network user password
from datetime import datetime, date
import os
import subprocess
import pwinput
#common path to work
pPath = '\\\\vnas04a\\lc_adc_data04$\\ADCALFSR01_Public\\Work\\'
NL = '\n' #global var Next Line
print(datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
#print("Disconnecting any past connections to work...")
#subprocess.call(r'net use p: /del', shell=True)
if os.path.exists(pPath):
print("The path exists! Removing...")
#Disconnect anything on P
subprocess.call(r'net use p: /del', shell=True)
print("The path does not exist.")
nUser = input('Network User Name : ')
nPass = pwinput.pwinput(prompt='Network Password: ')
nPath = 'net use p: ' + pPath + ' /user:' + nUser + ' ' + nPass
subprocess.call(nPath, shell=True)
print ('Network path: ' + nPath + ' connected!' )
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