我在python中使用google image api下载了500张图像。下载一些图像后,它给出了错误的请求错误。下面是代码
from google_images_search import GoogleImagesSearch
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import time
# Set up Google Images Search
gis = GoogleImagesSearch(API_KEY, API_SECRET, validate_images=False)
def download_images_in_batches(location, output_folder):
search_params = {
'q': location,
'num': 50, # Number of images to download per batch
'fileType': 'jpg|png' # File types to include in the search
# Create the folder for the location if it doesn't exist
location_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, location)
os.makedirs(location_folder, exist_ok=True)
# Download images in batches
total_images = 500 # Total number of images to download
images_per_batch = 50 # Number of images to download per batch
batches = total_images // images_per_batch
for batch in tqdm(range(batches)):
start_index = batch * images_per_batch + 1
search_params['start'] = start_index
search_params['num'] = 50
# Perform the search and download the images
for index, image in enumerate(gis.results()):
if index >= images_per_batch:
print(f"Downloaded {total_images} images for {location} in folder '{location_folder}'")
download_images_in_batches('query_to_search', 'destination_path')
我想下载某个位置的 500 张图像,并且我正在批量下载。下载 200 张图像后,我收到以下错误
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 400 when requesting https://customsearch.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?cx=822fca83c44f645bb&q=US+Embassy+Baghdad&searchType=image&num=10&start=201&fileType=jpg%7Cpng&safe=off&key=AIzaSyD0pMnbiJmUnFactRxZvChEqY0i2G7gkFs&alt=json returned "Request contains an invalid argument.". Details: "[{'message': 'Request contains an invalid argument.', 'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'badRequest'}]">
我的 api 的限制是每天超过 500 个请求。谁能告诉我我哪里做错了?
浏览器上的 Google 搜索和可编程搜索引擎的结果计数不同。
我鼓励您直接查询 Google CSE,而不是使用 google_images_search 等 API。这是因为 Google CSE 文档明确指出要使用不同的搜索字符串进行查询,并每次查询下载 10 张图像。
在你的例子中,我会有 50 个不同的查询,每个查询生成 10 张图像,最后总共 500 张图像。您可以按照 Google CSE API 的文档制定不同的查询 (https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/reference/rest/v1/cse/list)。