初学者尝试一下 Autogen!当我尝试在 Kaggle 笔记本上安装 oobabooga textgen web ui 时,我不断收到有关 cuda 版本太旧的错误。该脚本适用于 google colab。
import torch
from pathlib import Path
if Path.cwd().name != 'text-generation-webui':
print("Installing the webui...")
!git clone https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui
%cd text-generation-webui
torver = torch.__version__
print(f"TORCH: {torver}")
is_cuda118 = '+cu118' in torver # 2.1.0+cu118
is_cuda117 = '+cu117' in torver # 2.0.1+cu117
textgen_requirements = open('requirements.txt').read().splitlines()
if is_cuda117:
textgen_requirements = [req.replace('+cu121', '+cu117').replace('+cu122', '+cu117').replace('torch2.1', 'torch2.0') for req in textgen_requirements]
elif is_cuda118:
textgen_requirements = [req.replace('+cu121', '+cu118').replace('+cu122', '+cu118') for req in textgen_requirements]
with open('temp_requirements.txt', 'w') as file:
!pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
!pip install -r extensions/openai/requirements.txt --upgrade
!pip install -r temp_requirements.txt --upgrade
print("\033[1;32;1m\n --> If you see a warning about \"previously imported packages\", just ignore it.\033[0;37;0m")
print("\033[1;32;1m\n --> There is no need to restart the runtime.\n\033[0;37;0m")
import flash_attn
!pip uninstall -y flash_attn
# Parameters
model_url ="typeof/dolphin-2.2.1-mistral-7b-sharded"
branch = ""
command_line_flags = "--n-gpu-layers 128 --load-in-4bit --use_double_quant"
api = False
if api:
for param in ['--api', '--public-api']:
if param not in command_line_flags:
command_line_flags += f" {param}"
model_url = model_url.strip()
if model_url != "":
if not model_url.startswith('http'):
model_url = 'https://huggingface.co/' + model_url
# Download the model
url_parts = model_url.strip('/').strip().split('/')
output_folder = f"{url_parts[-2]}_{url_parts[-1]}"
branch = branch.strip('"\' ')
if branch.strip() != '':
output_folder += f"_{branch}"
!python download-model.py {model_url} --branch {branch}
!python download-model.py {model_url}
output_folder = ""
# Start the web UI
cmd = f"python server.py --extensions openai --share --public-api"
if output_folder != "":
cmd += f" --model {output_folder}"
cmd += f" {command_line_flags}"
两种环境下的 python 版本都是 3.10,我能发现的唯一区别是 Kaggle 上的 cuda 版本是 11,而 google colab 上是 12。
有谁知道发生了什么事,有没有办法解决这个问题并使服务器也能在 Kaggle 笔记本上运行。
在 Kaggle 上我不断收到此警告:
CUDA initialization: The NVIDIA driver on your system is too old (found version 11040). Please update your GPU driver by downloading and installing a new version from the URL: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx Alternatively, go to: https://pytorch.org to install a PyTorch version that has been compiled with your version of the CUDA driver.
那么应用程序不使用 GPU。笔记本电脑内存不断不足,相同的脚本可以在 google colab 上运行,而 Kaggle 笔记本电脑的内存是两倍。
仅供参考:这可以作为 openai API 的替代方案,用于将开源 LLM 与 autogen 结合使用