我正在编写一个 VBA 代码,它会遍历一系列单元格,检查每个单元格是否具有数据验证(下拉菜单),如果没有,则从另一张纸上的列表中为其分配一个数据。
我目前在检查当前单元格是否已进行数据验证的行上遇到问题。我收到错误 1004“未找到单元格”。
Sub datavalidation()
Dim nlp As Range
Dim lrds As Long
Dim wp As Double
Dim ddrange As Range
lrds = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Offset(ActiveSheet.rows.Count - 1, 0).End(xlUp).Row
Set nlp = Range("I3:I" & lrds)
For Each cell In nlp
'error on following line
If cell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeSameValidation).Cells.Count < 1 Then
wp = cell.Offset(0, -8).Value
Set ddrange = ddrangefunc(wp)
End If
End Sub
有什么想法吗? 谢谢你
我知道这个问题已经很老了,但由于它是在谷歌搜索“excel vba 检查单元格是否具有验证”时出现的,所以我想我应该持保留态度。
的 SpecialCells
Function HasValidation(cell As Range) As Boolean
Dim t: t = Null
On Error Resume Next
t = cell.Validation.Type
On Error GoTo 0
HasValidation = Not IsNull(t)
End Function
Dim cell As Range, v As Long
For Each cell In Selection.Cells
v = 0
On Error Resume Next
v = cell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeSameValidation).Count
On Error GoTo 0
If v = 0 Then
Debug.Print "No validation"
Debug.Print "Has validation"
End If
Sub dural()
Dim r As Range
On Error GoTo noval
Set r = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
If Intersect(r, ActiveCell) Is Nothing Then GoTo noval
MsgBox "Active cell has validation."
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Active cell has no validation."
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
寻找一种方法来处理这个问题,避免下一步继续出现错误。 这就是我实现它的方式:
Option Explicit
' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18642930/determine-if-cell-contains-data-validation
' Use this if you want to omit doing something to the cell added: http://dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2007/08/17/two-new-range-functions-union-and-subtract/
Sub ValidationCells()
Dim theSheet As Worksheet
Dim lastCell As Range
Dim validationRange As Range
Dim validationCell As Range
Application.EnableEvents = False ' optional
Set theSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
theSheet.Unprotect ' optional
' Add a cell with a value and some validation to bypass specialcells error
Set lastCell = theSheet.Cells(1, theSheet.Cells.Columns.Count)
With lastCell
.Value2 = 1
.Validation.Add xlValidateWholeNumber, xlValidAlertInformation, xlEqual, "1"
End With
' If usedrange is greater than 1 (as we added a single cell previously)
If theSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count > 1 Or theSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count > 1 Then
Set validationRange = theSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
MsgBox validationRange.Address
For Each validationCell In validationRange
If validationCell.Address <> lastCell.Address Then
MsgBox validationCell.Address
End If
Next validationCell
End If
Set validationRange = Nothing
Set lastCell = Nothing
theSheet.Protect ' optional
Application.EnableEvents = True ' optional
End Sub
Dim cell as Range
Dim rng as Range
Set rng = Range("A1:A10") 'enter your range
On Error Resume Next 'will skip over the cells with no validation
For Each cell In rng
msgbox cell.Validation.Formula1
Next cell
大约 4 年后,我也在寻找细胞验证。结合这里的一些答案,这就是我得出的结论:
Option Explicit
Public Sub ShowValidationInfo()
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim lngValidation As Long
For Each rngCell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
lngValidation = 0
On Error Resume Next
lngValidation = rngCell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeSameValidation).Count
On Error GoTo 0
If lngValidation <> 0 Then
Debug.Print rngCell.Address
Debug.Print rngCell.Validation.Formula1
Debug.Print rngCell.Validation.InCellDropdown
End If
End Sub
Function isValidated(ByVal Cell as Range) as Boolean
On Error Resume Next
isValidated = Not isEmpty(Cell.Validation.Type)
End Function
Sub test()
On Error Resume Next
If ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeSameValidation).Cells.Count < 1 Then
MsgBox "validation"
MsgBox "no Validation"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Piggy 放弃了 Ricardo 的答案,采用了非错误处理方法。
Function HasValidation(c As Range) As Boolean
Dim vRange As Range, vCell As Range
HasValidation = False
Set vRange = UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
For Each vCell In vRange
If vCell.Address = c.Address Then
HasValidation = True
Exit Function
End If
Next vCell
End Function