如何在 Autodesk Forge Design Automation SDK 中上传 Zip 文件并创建 AppBundle?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试将 zip 文件上传到 Autodesk Forge 的对象存储服务 (OSS),然后使用它为 Design Automation 创建 AppBundle。当我成功上传文件并创建 AppBundle 时,链接到 AppBundle 的包 URL 在访问时总是给出 NoSuchKey 错误。


var auth = new TwoLeggedApi();

dynamic tokenResponse = await auth.AuthenticateAsync(
    [Scope.DataRead, Scope.DataWrite]

var objectsApi = new ObjectsApi { Configuration = { AccessToken = tokenResponse.access_token; } };

using var fileStream = new FileStream(zipFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

dynamic response = await objectsApi.UploadObjectAsync(

string ossObjectUrl = $"https://developer.api.autodesk.com/oss/v2/buckets/{bucketKey}/objects/{objectKey}";

string fullyQualifiedId = $"{_account}.{bundleId}";
var newVersion = new AppBundle
    Id = fullyQualifiedId,
    Engine = $"Autodesk.Revit+{yearVersion}",
    Package = ossObjectUrl,
    Description = $"App bundle for Revit {yearVersion}",

AppBundle bundle = await _daClient.CreateAppBundleAsync(newVersion);
// package URL is valid
// after creating an alias and fetching the AppBundle again, the package url is invalid

AppBundle 创建成功,但是当我设置别名并尝试访问包 URL 时,出现错误:

<Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>
autodesk-forge open-source autodesk autodesk-designautomation

您无法将 OSS URL 传递给 AppBundle 类中的 Package 属性。此属性需要位于本地磁盘上的包 zip 文件的路径。

var newVersion = new AppBundle
    Id = fullyQualifiedId,
    Engine = $"Autodesk.Revit+{yearVersion}",
    Package = @"D:\Temp\package.zip", // Must be a local disk path
    Description = $"App bundle for Revit {yearVersion}",

管理 AppBundle 的步骤:

  1. 注册AppBundle:
    使用设计自动化 API (
    ) 创建新的 AppBundle 并获取上传详细信息。
  2. 上传AppBundle
    将 AppBundle zip 文件上传到提供的签名 AWS URL。确保包含所有必需的表单数据。
  3. 创建别名:
    为 AppBundle 分配别名(例如


private async Task<string> SetupAppBundleAsync()
    // Log the start of the AppBundle setup process
    Console.WriteLine("Setting up AppBundle...");

    // Construct the fully qualified AppBundle name
    var myApp = $"{_config.Owner}.{_config.BundleName}+{_config.Label}";

    // Check if the AppBundle already exists
    var appResponse = await _designAutomationClient.AppBundlesApi.GetAppBundleAsync(myApp, throwOnError: false);

    // Define the new AppBundle details
    var app = new AppBundle
        Engine = _config.TargetEngine,
        Id = _config.BundleName

    // Validate that the package path is not null
    var package = _config.BundlePath ?? throw new NullReferenceException("BundlePath cannot be null.");

    if (appResponse.HttpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
        // If the AppBundle doesn't exist, create it
        Console.WriteLine($"\tCreating AppBundle {myApp}...");
        await _designAutomationClient.CreateAppBundleAsync(app, _config.Label, package);
        return myApp;

    // Ensure the response is successful if the AppBundle exists
    await appResponse.HttpResponse.EnsureSuccessStatusCodeAsync();
    Console.WriteLine("\tFound existing AppBundle...");

    // Check if the existing package matches the new one
    if (!await EqualsAsync(package, appResponse.Content.Package))
        // If the packages differ, update the AppBundle
        Console.WriteLine($"\tUpdating AppBundle {myApp}...");
        await _designAutomationClient.UpdateAppBundleAsync(app, _config.Label, package);

    // Return the name of the AppBundle
    return myApp;


请按照此分步指南获取详细说明: 发布 AppBundle

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