我在 JOptionPane 中显示 String msg3 时遇到了问题。当运行时,我得到一个 "String cannot be converted to int "的错误。如果将 3 个不同的字符串分开到各自的面板中,程序就会运行,但是,我需要它们都在同一个面板中。谢谢你的任何建议帮助在先。
//add all of the expenses together
double total = airfare1 + carRent1 + parking1 + reg1 + (lodge1 * numberOfDays1) + (meals * numberOfDays1);
String msg1;
msg1 = String.format("Total cost: $%,.2f\n Allowed expenses: $%,.2f\n", total);
//Calculate the allowable reinbusement
double allow = airfare1 + carRent1 + ( pfees * numberOfDays1) + reg1 + (lfees * numberOfDays1) + (meals * numberOfDays1);
String msg2;
msg2 = String.format("Allowed expenses: $%,.2f\n", allow);
//calculates the total amount to be paid back
double pback = total - allow;
String msg3;
msg3 = String.format("Amount to be paid back: $%,.2f\n", pback);
//display the totals using joptionpane
你传给msg3的参数是字符串,但方法接受整数。没有直接从 字符串 到 昵.