var new_Div = new Class({
initialize: function(name)
this.newDiv = name + "_div";
this.newDiv = document.createElement('div');
this.newDiv.id = this.classDiv;
this.newDiv.style.width = "200px";
this.newDiv.style.height = "160px";
this.newDiv.style.border = "thin red dashed";
Div由用户创建并命名,方法是从文本框中获取div ID的输入。然后使用以下代码将generate div插入到主体中,该代码调用initialize()函数并创建div:
var divName= document.getElementById("newdiv_Input").value;
window[divName+ '_var'] = new new_Div(divName);
这实际上取决于您所说的“班级上的事件”是什么意思。您的意思是让类向实例启动事件(通过“事件” mixin),或者让Element激发事件到类/将事件按类附加到dom节点。考虑到这一点,这是一个同时执行以下操作的示例:在类中通过DOM设置通用事件处理程序,并使类通知单击的实例,以便您可以从实例实例中覆盖功能。
var new_Div = new Class({
// use Options and Events mixins
Implements: [Options, Events],
// define defaults that you can override
options: {
parentNode: document.body, // can point to your input
injectPosition: "top", // bottom, after (to show after input), before
width: 200,
height: 160,
border: "1px dashed red",
html: ""
initialize: function(name, options) {
// set defaults
// where to inject?
this.parent = document.id(this.options.parentNode);
return; // does not exist - domready?
// create the element
this.element = new Element("div", {
id: name + "_div",
html: this.options.html,
styles: {
width: this.options.width,
height: this.options.height,
border: this.options.border
events: {
click: this.handleClick.bind(this)
// inject into dom at the parent node and position
this.element.inject(this.parent, this.options.injectPosition);
handleClick: function(event) {
// called when clicked on the div
if (event && event.stop)
// you can do stuff here
alert("hi from element event handler");
// or delegate it to the instance like so:
this.fireEvent("clicked", event || {});
new new_Div("test", {
html: "hello",
onClicked: function() {
// handle the custom "clicked" event on the instance
alert("hi from class instance event");
var new_Div = new Class({
// use Options and Events mixins
Implements: [Options, Events],
// define defaults that you can override
options: {
width: 200,
height: 160,
border: "1px dashed red",
html: ""
initialize: function(name, options) {
// set defaults
// create the element
this.element = new Element("div", {
id: name + "_div",
html: this.options.html,
styles: {
width: this.options.width,
height: this.options.height,
border: this.options.border
events: {
click: this.handleClick.bind(this)
handleClick: function(event) {
// called when clicked on the div
if (event && event.stop) event.stop();
// you can do stuff here
alert("hi from element event handler");
// or delegate it to the instance like so:
this.fireEvent("clicked", event || {});
toElement: function() {
// the class will return this.element if called through $
return this.element || null;
var foo = new new_Div("test", {
html: "hello",
onClicked: function() {
// handle the custom "clicked" event on the instance
alert("hi from class instance event");
// inject this.element through toElement into dom.
$(foo).inject(document.id("your_name"), "after");
var new_Div = new Class({
initialize: function(name)
this.newDiv = name + "_div";
this.newDiv = document.createElement('div');
this.newDiv.id = this.classDiv;
this.newDiv.style.width = "200px";
this.newDiv.style.height = "160px";
this.newDiv.style.border = "thin red dashed";
// Using the element selector
// Keep in mind you can only do this once the element has been
// added to the document body and you can actually see it on the
// web page.
click: function () {
alert('Put whatever you want to do on click here...');
“ $()”是我所指的元素选择器。您应该对此熟悉。 Mootools的文档很好,因此请花一些时间查找here on the Mootools element和here on mootools events。