我编写了以下 VBA 代码来保存我的 Solidworks 文件。它还检查文件夹中是否已存在文件,如果存在 - 通过消息框询问是否需要覆盖这些文件。 这是代码:
Main sub()
PathInit = Part.GetPathName 'Determine file location of the assembly
PathCut = Left(PathInit, InStrRev(PathInit, "\")) 'Remove text "Assembly.SLDASS" after the last slash
initName = PathCut + ArrayList(i) + ExtInit 'Name to open the original file
finalName = PathCut & FolderName & "\" & NumPart(initName) & "_" & mldpartcode & " " & ArrayListAdapted & " " & "[REV" & UserParam.getREV(UserParam, CStr(ArrayListNr(i))) & "]" & ExtNew 'New filename
finalNameCut = NumPart(initName) & "_" & mldpartcode & " " & ArrayListAdapted & " " & "[REV" & UserParam.getREV(UserParam, CStr(ArrayListNr(i))) & "]" & ExtNew
For i = LBound(ArrayList) To UBound(ArrayList) 'Run loop x times depending on the amount of selected checkboxes in the userform
'Save the file if it does not exist yet
Dim FileNameOverwrite
Dim IsToBeSaved
IsToBeSaved = True
If Not Dir(finalName, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
FileNameOverwrite = MsgBox("Filename " & finalNameCut & " already exists. Do you want to overwrite?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "File overwrite")
If FileNameOverwrite = vbNo Then
IsToBeSaved = False
'Exit Sub ' Stop the code execution, no more looping
End If
If FileNameOverwrite = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If IsToBeSaved Then
swModelToExport.Extension.SaveAs3 finalName, 0, 1, Nothing, Nothing, nErrors, nWarnings
End If
'Close all the files
swApp.CloseDoc ArrayList(i) & ".SLDPRT"
'Reopen assembly
Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(PathInit, 1, 0, "", nStatus, nWarnings) 'Open the model
Set swModelActivated = swApp.ActivateDoc3(PathInit, False, swRebuildOnActivation_e.swUserDecision, nErrors) 'Activate the model
Set swModelToExport = swApp.ActiveDoc 'Get the activated model
End Sub
除了覆盖多个文件之外,这效果非常好。 假设我已经保存了两个名为
和 "Saved2"
,即使我不想覆盖 Saved1
Sub Main()
Dim FileNameOverwrite
PathInit = Part.GetPathName 'Determine file location of the assembly
PathCut = Left(PathInit, InStrRev(PathInit, "\")) 'Remove text "Assembly.SLDASS" after the last slash
For i = LBound(ArrayList) To UBound(ArrayList)
initName = PathCut + ArrayList(i) + ExtInit 'Name to open the original file
finalNameCut = NumPart(initName) & "_" & mldpartcode & " " & _
ArrayListAdapted & " " & _
"[REV" & UserParam.getREV(UserParam, CStr(ArrayListNr(i))) & "]" & ExtNew
finalName = PathCut & FolderName & "\" & finalNameCut 'full path
'Save the file if it does not exist yet
If Not Dir(finalName, vbNormal) = vbNullString Then
FileNameOverwrite = MsgBox("Filename " & finalNameCut & _
" already exists. Do you want to overwrite?", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "File overwrite")
Select Case FileNameOverwrite
Case vbYes
swModelToExport.Extension.SaveAs3 finalName, 0, 1, _
Nothing, Nothing, nErrors, nWarnings
Case vbNo 'do nothing - just process next file
Case vbCancel 'user cancelled any other saves
Exit Sub
End Select
End If
swApp.CloseDoc ArrayList(i) & ".SLDPRT" 'Close this file
Next i
'Reopen assembly
Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(PathInit, 1, 0, "", nStatus, nWarnings) 'Open the model
Set swModelActivated = swApp.ActivateDoc3(PathInit, False, _
swRebuildOnActivation_e.swUserDecision, nErrors) 'Activate the model
Set swModelToExport = swApp.ActiveDoc 'Get the activated model
End Sub