我的目标是解析Google文档中的TableOfContents元素并将其写入另一个元素。我想对文件夹中的每个文档执行此操作。麻烦的是将每个文档转换为DocsList生成的类型,这样我就可以使用此方法[DocumentApp生成的文档没有这种方法。为什么,我不明白,因为否则在查找零件时,这两个“文档”是相似的。 ],我发现我得到的是一个SearchResult。如何使用这种难以捉摸的结构?我尝试将其转换为TableOfContents元素[ele = searchResult.asTableOfContents()],不会出错,但是我没有做任何允许我解析其子元素以恢复其文本作品的操作。有趣的是,如果通过解析文档的段落来获取TableOfContents元素来获取它,那么就可以解析目录。
方法仅用于帮助编辑器的自动完成功能。它对运行时没有影响,并且不能用于强制转换为其他类型。 (请参见ContainerElement documentation。)
[13-08-20 16:31:56:415 EDT]
{text=Heading 1.0, linkUrl=#heading=h.50tkhklducwk, indentFirstLine=18.0, indentStart=18.0},
{text=Heading 1.1, linkUrl=#heading=h.ugj69zpoikat, indentFirstLine=36.0, indentStart=36.0},
{text=Heading 1.2, linkUrl=#heading=h.xb0y0mu59rag, indentFirstLine=36.0, indentStart=36.0},
{text=Heading 2.0, linkUrl=#heading=h.gebx44eft4kq, indentFirstLine=18.0, indentStart=18.0}
function test_parseTOC() {
var fileId = '--Doc-ID--';
Logger.log( parseTOC( fileId ) );
function parseTOC( docId ) {
var contents = [];
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(docId);
// Define the search parameters.
var searchElement = doc.getBody();
var searchType = DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE_OF_CONTENTS;
// Search for TOC. Assume there's only one.
var searchResult = searchElement.findElement(searchType);
if (searchResult) {
// TOC was found
var toc = searchResult.getElement().asTableOfContents();
// Parse all entries in TOC. The TOC contains child Paragraph elements,
// and each of those has a child Text element. The attributes of both
// the Paragraph and Text combine to make the TOC item functional.
var numChildren = toc.getNumChildren();
for (var i=0; i < numChildren; i++) {
var itemInfo = {}
var tocItem = toc.getChild(i).asParagraph();
var tocItemAttrs = tocItem.getAttributes();
var tocItemText = tocItem.getChild(0).asText();
// Set itemInfo attributes for this TOC item, first from Paragraph
itemInfo.text = tocItem.getText(); // Displayed text
itemInfo.indentStart = tocItem.getIndentStart(); // TOC Indentation
itemInfo.indentFirstLine = tocItem.getIndentFirstLine();
// ... then from child Text
itemInfo.linkUrl = tocItemText.getLinkUrl(); // URL Link in document
// Return array of objects containing TOC info
return contents;
请参见问题跟踪器中的Issue 2502,并为它加注星标以获取更新。
[如果您可以发布代码或使用DocsList与DocumentApp解释您的问题,可以进行查看。 Google文档的元素只能通过DocumentApp进行操作。
function findToc(body, level = 2) {
const indent = 18;
let contents = [];
const tocType = TABLE_OF_CONTENTS;
const tocContainer = body.findElement(tocType);
if (tocContainer) {
// TOC was found
const toc = tocContainer.getElement().asTableOfContents();
const totalLines = toc.getNumChildren();
for (let lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < totalLines; lineIndex++) {
const tocItem = toc.getChild(lineIndex).asParagraph();
const { INDENT_START } = tocItem.getAttributes();
const isDesiredLevel = Number(INDENT_START) <= indent * (level - 1);
if (isDesiredLevel) {
return contents;
function addToTable(cellText) {
body = DocumentApp.openById(docId).getBody();
const table = body.appendTable();
const tr = table.insertTableRow(0);
const td = tr.insertTableCell(0);
cellText.forEach(text => {
function parseTOC(docId) {
body = DocumentApp.openById(docId).getBody();
const contents = findToc(body);