我正在使用Launch4J 3.50,并尝试使用由adoptium提供的捆绑JRE运行exe https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/?version=11
通过从 bat 文件启动 exe,使用 SET Launch4j=debug 选项,我能够生成此日志文件:
Version: 3.50
CmdLine: D:\MyApp.exe
WOW64: Yes
Working dir: D:\.
Requires JDK: Yes
Requires 64-Bit: No
Java min ver: 1.011.000_000
Java max ver: 1.011.900_900
JRE paths: service\adoptium
Check launcher: D:\service\adoptium\bin\javaw.exe (OK)
Check javac: D:\service\adoptium\bin\javac.exe (not found)
64-bit search: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit...
32-bit search: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit...
64-bit search: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\JDK...
32-bit search: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\JDK...
64-bit search: SOFTWARE\IBM\Java Development Kit...
32-bit search: SOFTWARE\IBM\Java Development Kit...
64-bit search: SOFTWARE\IBM\Java Development Kit...
32-bit search: SOFTWARE\IBM\Java Development Kit...
Error msg: This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 11.0.0 - 11.900.900
这是我的 Launch4J xml 配置文件:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
当我在安装了 java 的计算机上运行它时,exe 可以运行。显然它正在从系统中获取 jre。当我在缺少 java 的计算机上运行此程序时,我得到:
This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 11.0.0 - 11.900.900
奇怪的是,日志指出发现了捆绑的 javaw.exe:
Check launcher: D:\service\adoptium\bin\javaw.exe (OK)
我刚刚在我的应用程序上使用类似的配置测试了 launch4j 3.50,它在这个最小配置下工作得很好:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Estive como um Problema identico hoje and descobri que Launch4j 3.50 não inseri litermente o jre por ele apenas pede o caminho que semper vai aceder para encontrar o jre, então usei o inosetup para criar um setup and adicionar o jre que possuo, deste jeito so adicionei o nome da Pasta do jre no meuprojecto e funcionou no meu caso