
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我已经使用 tkinter 创建了一个 GUI,用于我的工作的应用程序部署程序。我的两个复选框有问题。我相信由于某种原因,我的“提交”按钮的逻辑变得混乱



2023-09-01 12:51:09,465 - 信息 - 当前选择的选项:[]
2023-09-01 12:51:09,466 - 信息 - 未选择任何选项。


2023-09-01 12:53:04,686 - 信息 - 当前选择的选项:['AzureAD']
2023-09-01 12:53:04,687 - 信息 - AzureAD 的 Kaseya 复选框值:0
信息:main:AzureAD 的 Kaseya 复选框值:0
2023-09-01 12:53:04,687 - 信息 - AzureAD 的趋势复选框值:1
信息:main:AzureAD 的趋势复选框值:1
2023-09-01 12:53:04,687 - 信息 - 尝试安装 TrendMicro
信息:main:尝试安装 TrendMicro
错误:趋势:未连接到域。当前域 AzureAD FROM INSTALL_TREND()

“趋势(AzureAD)”复选框按预期工作,我有代码可以在按下“提交”按钮时记录两个活动复选框的值。感知“Kaseya(AzureAD)”复选框未按下= 0。


2023-09-01 12:54:32,387 - 信息 - 当前选择的选项:['AzureAD']
2023-09-01 12:54:32,388 - 信息 - AzureAD 的 Kaseya 复选框值:1
信息:main:AzureAD 的 Kaseya 复选框值:1
2023-09-01 12:54:32,389 - 信息 - AzureAD 的趋势复选框值:1
信息:main:AzureAD 的趋势复选框值:1
2023-09-01 12:54:32,389 - 信息 - 尝试安装 TrendMicro
信息:main:尝试安装 TrendMicro
错误:趋势:未连接到域。当前域 AzureAD FROM INSTALL_TREND()
2023-09-01 12:54:32,390 - 信息 - 尝试安装 Kaseya
信息:main:尝试安装 Kaseya
错误:kaseya:未连接到域。当前域 AzureAD FROM INSTALL_KASEYA()



也不要担心错误,(AzureAD) 不是我的安装功能的兼容域。其用于测试目的并且工作正常。


def submit():
    global browser_checkboxes, kaseya_checkboxes, trend_checkboxes
    all_checkboxes = {**browser_checkboxes, **kaseya_checkboxes, **trend_checkboxes}
    logger.info(f"All checkboxes: {all_checkboxes}")
    selected_options = [option for option, var in all_checkboxes.items() if var.get() == 1]
    logger.info(f"Browser checkboxes: {browser_checkboxes}")
    logger.info(f"Kaseya checkboxes: {kaseya_checkboxes}")
    logger.info(f"Trend checkboxes: {trend_checkboxes}")
      # This line will log or print the selected options for debugging.
    logger.info(f"Currently selected options: {selected_options}")

    # checks if any Browser or Program has been selected to intall  
    if not selected_options:
        logger.info("No options were selected.")
        label.config(text="You have not selected any browsers or programs to install. Please select at least 1.")
    # Check which Browsers to install and invoke the respective functions
    if "Chrome" in selected_options:
        logger.info("Attempting to install Chrome")
    if "Firefox" in selected_options:
        logger.info("Attempting to install Firefox")
        # Setting Key 
    kaseya_key = f"Kaseya_{domain_name}"
    kaseya_selected = kaseya_checkboxes.get(kaseya_key, {}).get() if kaseya_key in kaseya_checkboxes else None
    trend_key = f"Trend_{domain_name}"
    trend_selected = trend_checkboxes.get(trend_key, {}).get() if trend_key in trend_checkboxes else None

    logger.info(f"Kaseya checkbox value for {kaseya_key}: {kaseya_selected}")

    logger.info(f"Trend checkbox value for {trend_key}: {trend_selected}")
    # Checks if trend has been selected then calls the install_trend() from trend.py
    if trend_selected == 1:
        logger.info("Attempting to install Trend")

    # Checks if Kaseya has been selected then calls the install_kaseya from kaseya.py 
    if kaseya_selected == 1:
        logger.info("Attempting to install Kaseya")
python tkinter button checkbox
def create_checkboxes(packages_dict, checkboxes_dict, software_name):
    for domain, name in packages_dict.items():
        if domain_name == domain:
            var = tk.IntVar()
            unique_key = f"{software_name}_{domain}"  # Create the unique identifier

            # Debug log
            logger.info(f"Creating checkbox for {unique_key} with software name {software_name}")

            if "Kaseya" in name:
                var.trace_add("write", lambda *args: on_kaseya_checkbox_click(var))
            elif "Trend" in name:
                var.trace_add("write", lambda *args: on_trend_checkbox_click(var))

            checkboxes_dict[unique_key] = var
            ttk.Checkbutton(root, text=name, variable=var).pack(anchor=tk.W, padx=20)

            # Log inside the loop to capture every domain
            logger.info(f"Attempting to create checkboxes for domain {domain_name} found: {domain_name == domain}")

def submit():
    global browser_checkboxes, kaseya_checkboxes, trend_checkboxes
    all_checkboxes = {**browser_checkboxes, **kaseya_checkboxes, **trend_checkboxes}
    logger.info(f"All checkboxes: {all_checkboxes}")
    selected_options = [option for option, var in all_checkboxes.items() if var.get() == 1]
    logger.info(f"Browser checkboxes: {browser_checkboxes}")
    logger.info(f"Kaseya checkboxes: {kaseya_checkboxes}")
    logger.info(f"Trend checkboxes: {trend_checkboxes}")
      # This line will log or print the selected options for debugging.
    logger.info(f"Currently selected options: {selected_options}")

    # checks if any Browser or Program has been selected to intall  
    if not selected_options:
        logger.info("No options were selected.")
        label.config(text="You have not selected any browsers or programs to install. Please select at least 1.")
    # Check which Browsers to install and invoke the respective functions
    if "Chrome" in selected_options:
        logger.info("Attempting to install Chrome")
    if "Firefox" in selected_options:
        logger.info("Attempting to install Firefox")
        # Setting Key 
    kaseya_key = f"Kaseya_{domain_name}"
    kaseya_selected = kaseya_checkboxes.get(kaseya_key, {}).get() if kaseya_key in kaseya_checkboxes else None
    trend_key = f"Trend_{domain_name}"
    trend_selected = trend_checkboxes.get(trend_key, {}).get() if trend_key in trend_checkboxes else None

    logger.info(f"Kaseya checkbox value for {kaseya_key}: {kaseya_selected}")

    logger.info(f"Trend checkbox value for {trend_key}: {trend_selected}")
    # Checks if trend has been selected then calls the install_trend() from trend.py
    if trend_selected == 1:
        logger.info("Attempting to install Trend")

    # Checks if Kaseya has been selected then calls the install_kaseya from kaseya.py 
    if kaseya_selected == 1:
        logger.info("Attempting to install Kaseya")

分离 IntVar() 值检查可防止 Kaseya 被 Trend 覆盖。

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