如何使用多个治疗臂的 ritest

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我想对三个治疗组进行随机推理测试,并获得每个治疗组的 p 值。我有一个集群和一个分层变量,它们需要成为测试的一部分。我使用的包是ritest。

我不确定在这种情况下如何使用仪式,因为我必须分别对每个治疗臂进行测试。我似乎没有在仪式函数中使用正确的 resampvar。 resampvar 应该是我想要 p 值的治疗臂,但是当我在仪式之前运行回归模型时使用给定治疗臂的系数名称时,出现错误。


### Data

ngroup = 4

nrep = 15

treat <- rep(c("control", "treat1", "treat2", "treat3"), each = nrep)

strata <- sample(1:3, 60, replace =TRUE)

cluster <- sample(1:5, 60, replace =TRUE)

Y<- rbinom(60, 1, 0.5)
data <- cbind(Y, treat, strata, cluster)

data <- as.data.frame(data)

data <- data %>%
mutate(treat = as.factor(treat),
       Y = as.numeric (Y))

### Regression


reg <- glm(Y ~ factor(treat) + factor(strata), family = binomial(link = "logit"), data=data)

## I would like to have clusterred std. errors for the logit model and later on for the ritest.
### obtain clusterred se (source: https://rforpublichealth.blogspot.com/2014/10/easy-clustered-standard-errors-in-r.html)
get_CL_vcov<-function(model, cluster){
  require(sandwich, quietly = TRUE)
  require(lmtest, quietly = TRUE)
  M <- length(unique(cluster))
  N <- length(cluster)
  K <- model$rank
  dfc <- (M/(M-1))*((N-1)/(N-K))
  uj  <- apply(estfun(model),2, function(x) tapply(x, cluster, sum))
  vcovCL <- dfc*sandwich(model, meat=crossprod(uj)/N)

vcovCL <- get_CL_vcov(reg, data$cluster)

clse <- sqrt(diag(vcovCL))

reg_ri = ritest(reg, resampvar = "treattreat1", cluster='cluster', strata='strata', reps=500, seed = 123, verbose = TRUE)

# treattreat1 I find as the coeff. name stored in the reg output for treat1 (the first tretament arm). 

如果有任何关于这种情况下仪式出了什么问题的提示,我将不胜感激。或者也许我可以为此使用另一个 R 包?

r p-value


这是我的所有代码,包括在 stargazer 中导出结果。我导出 logit 的边际效应,因为它们很容易解释,并且 p 值形成检验以比较边际效应和仪式的显着性。

### Data

ngroup = 4

nrep = 15

treat <- rep(c("control", "treat1", "treat2", "treat3"), each = nrep)

#treat <- rbinom(60, 1, 0.5)

strata <- sample(1:3, 60, replace =TRUE)

cluster <- sample(1:5, 60, replace =TRUE)

Y<- rbinom(60, 1, 0.5)
data <- cbind(Y, treat, strata, cluster)

data <- as.data.frame(data)

data <- data %>%
mutate(treat = as.factor(treat),
    strata = as.numeric(strata),
  cluster = as.numeric(cluster),
       Y = as.numeric (Y))

data <- fastDummies::dummy_cols(data, select_columns = "strata")

strata_vars <- c("strata_2", "strata_3")

### Logit with strata as numeric variable
reg1<- glm(as.formula(paste("Y ~ treat +", paste(strata_vars, collapse = "+"))), family = binomial(link = "logit"),  data = data)

## Conduct the ritest
resamp_vars <- c("treattreat1", "treattreat2", "treattreat3")  # Add more as needed

# Initialize a list to store results
p_values <- numeric(length(resamp_vars))
names(p_values) <- resamp_vars

for (resamp_var in resamp_vars) {
  # Perform the ritest for each resampling variable
  reg_ri_result <- ritest(reg1, resampvar = resamp_var, cluster = "cluster", strata = "strata", reps = 1000, verbose = TRUE)
  # Extract the p-value for each treatment arm
  p_value <- reg_ri_result$pval
  # Store each p-value in a vector (num format)
  p_values[resamp_var] <- p_value

### My reporting of the results with stargazer (marginal effects of the logit model with clustered std.errors + p.values of the ritest)


regmfx <- logitmfx(Y ~ treat+ strata_2 + strata_3, clustervar1= "cluster", atmean = T, data=data)

p_mxf <- regmfx$mfxest[, 4] 

coeff_mfx <- regmfx$mfxest[,1]


stargazer(regmfx$fit, coef = list(coeff_mfx), se=list(p_mxf), p= list(p_values), report=('vcs*p*'), omit = c("strata_2", "strata_3", "Constant"), omit.stat = c("ll", "adj.rsq", "f", "ser", "aic"))

# to replace the p= and set it to [..], check this post: [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42995868/r-stargazer-package-eliminate-t-label-from-reported-test-statistics][1]


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