如果我刷新页面,感谢 SSR,它们会正确执行(因为 dom 是在执行 javascript 之前完全构建的)。
<script setup>
// Function to adjust column widths
const adjustTableColumnWidths = () => {
const tables = document.querySelectorAll('.prose table');
tables.forEach((table) => {
const totalWidth = table.offsetWidth;
const firstColWidth = totalWidth / 3; // Largeur de la première colonne
const otherColWidth = (totalWidth - firstColWidth) / (table.rows[0].cells.length - 1); // Width of other columns
// Go through all table rows to fit columns
Array.from(table.rows).forEach(row => {
// Ajuster la première colonne
const firstCell = row.cells[0];
if (firstCell) {
firstCell.style.width = `${firstColWidth}px`;
// Adjust the other columns
for (let i = 1; i < row.cells.length; i++) {
const cell = row.cells[i];
cell.style.width = `${otherColWidth}px`;
// Call the function after the content is loaded and rendered
onMounted(async () => {
await nextTick(); // Wait for the next 'tick' for the DOM rendering to complete
// Add an event handler for window resizing
window.addEventListener('resize', adjustTableColumnWidths);
// Clean event listener when unmounting component
onUnmounted(() => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', adjustTableColumnWidths);
您可以使用Lifecycle Hooks
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp();
// Called on Suspense resolved event.
nuxtApp.hook('page:finish', adjustTableColumnWidths);
// After page transition onAfterLeave event.
nuxtApp.hook('page:transition:finish', adjustTableColumnWidths);