要在 Python 中重复此效果,您可以尝试(稍加调整)使用 PIL 附带的 ImageFilter 来模拟此效果以创建云轮廓。 如果您的系统上尚未安装 Pillow,请务必导入它。
pip install pillow
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
# Load the original dog from dog.jpg
original_image = Image.open('dog.jpg')
# Create a new image with larger dimensions
shadow_image = Image.new('RGB', (original_image.width + 10, original_image.height + 10), color='white')
# Paste the original, add slight offset to create a shadow effect
shadow_image.paste(original_image, (5, 5))
# Apply a blur filter to the shadow area
shadow_image = shadow_image.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=5))
# Add white outlines
outline_image = shadow_image.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR)
# Save the final image
如果您想稍微调整结果,请参阅 Pillow 模块上的文档以了解其他过滤器/功能。