我不知道如何在 SQL 中实现这个。请指教。
客户ID | 礼品卡帐号 |
AAA | 1111 |
BBB | 1111 |
AAA | 2222 |
CCC | 2222 |
DD | 3333 |
客户 ID | 礼品卡账户号码 |
AAA、BBB、CCC | 1111;2222 |
DD | 3333; |
with recursive gifts as(
select 'AAA' CustomerId, 1111 GiftCardsAcctNumber
union all select 'BBB',1111
union all select 'AAA',2222
union all select 'CCC',2222
union all select 'DDD',3333
union all select 'EEE',4444
union all select 'FFF',1111
union all select 'FFF',4444
, r as(
select 0 lvl,t1.CustomerId kern,t1.CustomerId,t1.GiftCardsAcctNumber GiftId
,concat(t1.CustomerId,'-') custS
,concat(t1.GiftCardsAcctNumber,'-') giftS
from gifts t1
union all
select lvl+1,r.kern,g.CustomerId
,case when g.GiftCardsAcctNumber=r.GiftId then r.GiftId
else g.GiftCardsAcctNumber
end GiftId
,case when g.GiftCardsAcctNumber=r.GiftId then concat(r.custS,'-',g.CustomerId)
else r.custS
end custS
,case when g.CustomerId=r.CustomerId then concat(r.giftS,'-',g.GiftCardsAcctNumber)
else r.giftS
end giftS
from r inner join gifts g
on (g.GiftCardsAcctNumber=r.GiftId and g.CustomerId<>r.CustomerId and r.custS not like concat('%',g.CustomerId,'%'))
or (g.CustomerId=r.CustomerId and g.GiftCardsAcctNumber<>r.GiftId and r.giftS not like concat('%',g.GiftCardsAcctNumber,'%'))
where (g.CustomerId<>r.CustomerId or g.GiftCardsAcctNumber<>r.GiftId)
and lvl<8
select distinct cs,gs
select kern,string_agg(distinct customerId,'-' order by customerid) cs
,string_agg(distinct giftId,'-' order by giftid) gs
select kern,customerid,cast(giftId as string) giftid
select * from r
group by kern,customerid,giftid
) y
group by kern
行 | CS | gs |
1 | AAA-BBB-CCC-EEE-FFF | 1111-2222-4444 |
2 | DD | 3333 |