{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
data QueueA a = QueueA { front :: [a], rear :: [a] }
class Queue a b | a -> b where
empty :: a
null :: a -> Bool
head :: a -> Maybe b
tail :: a -> Maybe a
toList :: a -> [b]
(|>) :: a -> b -> a
instance Queue (QueueA a) where
empty = QueueA [] []
null (QueueA [] []) = True
null _ = False
head (QueueA [] []) = Nothing
head (QueueA (x:xs) _) = Just x
tail (QueueA [] []) = Nothing
tail (QueueA (x:xs) (y:ys)) = Just $ QueueA (xs ++ [y]) ys
toList (QueueA x y) = x ++ y
(|>) (QueueA x y) e = if (length x > length y) then QueueA (init $ e : x) ((last x) : y) else QueueA (e : x) y
queue.hs:15:10: error:
• Expecting one more argument to ‘Queue (QueueA a)’
Expected a constraint,
but ‘Queue (QueueA a)’ has kind ‘* -> Constraint’
• In the instance declaration for ‘Queue (QueueA a)’
15 | instance Queue (QueueA a) where
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
class Queue t where
empty :: t a
null :: t a -> Bool
head :: t a -> Maybe a
tail :: t a -> Maybe (t a)
toList :: t a -> [a]
(|>) :: t a -> a -> t a
实例,而不是QueueA a
instance Queue QueueA where
-- same as above
实例需要与相应类相同数量的参数。但是,您创建了一个具有2个参数的类,以及一个仅包含1个实例的对应实例。要进行编译,可以执行instance Queue (QueueA a) a where
而不是instance Queue (QueueA a) where
。 (您还需要FlexibleInstances