要让monit在启动时自动启动并在失败时重新启动,我为monit添加了upstart配置(我正在运行Ubuntu 14.04),如下所示:
# This is an upstart script to keep monit running.
# To install disable the old way of doing things:
# /etc/init.d/monit stop && update-rc.d -f monit remove
# then put this script here:
# /etc/init/monit.conf
# and reload upstart configuration:
# initctl reload-configuration
# You can manually start and stop monit like this:
# start monit
# stop monit
description "Monit service manager"
limit core unlimited unlimited
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[016]
expect daemon
exec /usr/bin/monit -c /etc/monitrc
pre-stop exec /usr/bin/monit -c /etc/monitrc quit
sudo monit status
$ monit: Status not available -- the monit daemon is not running
exec /usr/bin/monit -c /etc/monit/monitrc
pre-stop exec /usr/bin/monit -c /etc/monit/monitrc quit
ps aux | grep monit
root 2173 0.0 0.1 104348 1332 ? Sl 04:13 0:00 /usr/bin/monit -c /etc/monit/monitrc
sudo kill -9 2173
ps aux | grep monit
root 2184 0.0 0.1 104348 1380 ? Sl 04:13 0:00 /usr/bin/monit -c /etc/monit/monitrc