我正在尝试输入来自 AWS Amplify/NextJS 前端的事件对象。它通过 Amplify/GraphQL 发送并在 NodeJS AWS Lambda 中接收。
import { AppSyncResolverEvent } from "aws-lambda";
中包含的打字稿接口 - 但这与正在接收的事件对象不太匹配。有人可以告诉我我做错了什么吗?
和 @aws-amplify/api-graphql
包成功从前端 (NextJS) 触发了一个事件:
import { graphqlOperation, GraphQLResult } from "@aws-amplify/api-graphql"; // "version": "2.3.11",
import { API } from "aws-amplify"; // "aws-amplify": "^4.3.28",
// Retrieve schemas from Lambda
const response = (await API.graphql<{ myAppSyncFunctionResponse: any }>(
{ input: "foo" }
)) as GraphQLResult<{ myAppSyncFunctionResponse: string }>;
我的 Serverless Lambda 已成功接收该事件,类似于以下内容:
typeName: "Mutation",
fieldName: "myAppSyncFunction",
arguments: { input: { ... } },
identity: {...},
source: ...,
request: ...,
但是,当我尝试在我的nodejs Lambda环境中使用
import { AppSyncResolverEvent } from "aws-lambda";
export async function eventBridgeResolver(
event: AppSyncResolverEvent
) {...}
// node_modules/@types/aws-lambda/trigger/appsync-resolver.d.ts
arguments: TArguments;
identity?: AppSyncIdentity;
source: TSource;
request: {
headers: AppSyncResolverEventHeaders;
info: {
selectionSetList: string[];
selectionSetGraphQL: string;
parentTypeName: string;
fieldName: string;
variables: { [key: string]: any };
prev: { result: { [key: string]: any } } | null;
stash: { [key: string]: any };
我通过基于 aws-lambda 中的 AppSyncResolverEvent 接口创建自己的接口解决了这个问题
import {
type AppSyncIdentity,
type AppSyncResolverEventHeaders,
} from 'aws-lambda'
* See https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/graphql/custom-business-logic/#lambda-function-resolver
* @param TArguments type of the arguments
* @param TSource type of the source
export interface AmplifyResolverEvent<
TSource = Record<string, any> | null,
> {
* typeName: The name of the parent object type of the field being resolved.
typeName: string
* fieldName: The name of the field being resolved.
fieldName: string
* arguments: A map containing the arguments passed to the field being resolved.
arguments: TArguments
* identity: A map containing identity information for the request. Contains a nested key 'claims' that will contains the JWT claims if they exist.
identity?: AppSyncIdentity
* source: When resolving a nested field in a query, the source contains parent value at runtime. For example when resolving Post.comments, the source will be the Post object.
source: TSource
* request: The AppSync request object. Contains header information.
request: {
headers: AppSyncResolverEventHeaders
/** The API's custom domain if used for the request. */
domainName: string | null
* prev: When using pipeline resolvers, this contains the object returned by the previous function. You can return the previous value for auditing use cases.
prev: { result: Record<string, any> } | null
我通过查看 aws-lambda 中的接口 AppSyncResolverEvent 收集了这一点,其中特别提到了维护者的注释:其中一些属性与 Amplify 解析器共享。可能值得检查此处的更改是否也适用于那里。
在 AppSync 映射模板解析器中,我们可以看到此类型是如何构建的:
## [Start] Stash resolver specific context.. **
$util.qr($ctx.stash.put("typeName", "Mutation"))
$util.qr($ctx.stash.put("fieldName", "executeSearch"))
## [End] Stash resolver specific context.. **
## [Start] Invoke AWS Lambda data source: ExecuteSearchLambdaDataSource. **
"version": "2018-05-29",
"operation": "Invoke",
"payload": {
"typeName": $util.toJson($ctx.stash.get("typeName")),
"fieldName": $util.toJson($ctx.stash.get("fieldName")),
"arguments": $util.toJson($ctx.arguments),
"identity": $util.toJson($ctx.identity),
"source": $util.toJson($ctx.source),
"request": $util.toJson($ctx.request),
"prev": $util.toJson($ctx.prev)
## [End] Invoke AWS Lambda data source: ExecuteSearchLambdaDataSource. **
我已将此信息发布到 https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-js/issues/11113#issuecomment-1748041303,因此希望很快就会被合并。