使用AppleScript MacOS Serria将SmartFinderFolder中的所有文件/文件夹移动到目标w / serial / single连续操作

问题描述 投票:-2回答:2


功能:使用串行/连续移动操作将SmartFolder [named]中列出的所有文件移动到destinationFolder,并维护SmartFolder中列出的相同文件结构和dataFiles副本。

密钥:获取所有文件以进行传输。正常CMD + A,CMD + C,CMD + V挂起计算机并且传输不会启动。将每个dataObject移动到destinationPath的AppleScript就是全部。

事实:如何引用对象[文件,文件夹]及其正确的引用格式和接受的路径语法; path或POSIX,以及别名的使用。基本操作。我运行AppleScript将filePath移动到pathDestination,否则成功,并且很高兴知道路径引用的形式化语法。

tell application "Finder"
    move allFiles to destinationFolder
    // recursive/repeat code to loop through all listed files and folder
end tell

参考:Applescript, show all files with tag [从'smartfolder'容器中移动/选择列出的文件作为活动窗口和displayLists。这是一个alt。解决方案,因为AppleScript不会将SmartFolder作为对象引用,也不会动态调用SmartFolder对象的listProperty,除非通过未知或非引用方法或命令调用。

macos file applescript move

由于你的主要问题,据我所知,似乎正在处理AppleScript中的SmartFolders,正如你所说的那样 - 不能被引用为文件夹对象,这个小片段可能会有所帮助:

    set SmartFolder to "/Users/CK/My Smart Folder.savedSearch"

    tell application "System Events" to get value of property list file SmartFolder
    set {[Scope], Query} to {SearchScopes, RawQuery} of RawQueryDict of result

    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab

    set Command to {"mdfind -onlyin", ¬
        quoted form of Scope as text, ¬
        quoted form of Query as text} as text

    set SearchResults to paragraphs of (do shell script Command)
        --> returns a list of posix files
        --> e.g. {"/Users/CK/Downloads/This is file one.txt", ...}



    set myfile to item 1 of SearchResults
    tell application "System Events" to move myfile to "/Users/CK/Desktop"




property moveToNewFolderto的值设置为您选择的目标文件夹


property savedSearches : (path to home folder as string) & "Library" & ":Saved Searches"
property savedSearchesSubFolders : {}
property namesOfSavedSearchesSubFolders : {}
property selectedSearchFolder : ""
property selectedSearchFolderPath : missing value
property moveTheseItems : missing value
property moveToNewFolder : (path to desktop as text) & "untitled folder" -- change this value to your preferred destination folder

tell application "Finder"
    delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
    open savedSearches
    delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
    reveal savedSearches
    delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
    select savedSearches
    delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
    set current view of Finder window 1 to column view
    delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
    tell its Finder window (POSIX path of savedSearches)
        delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
        set savedSearchesSubFolders to items
        set namesOfSavedSearchesSubFolders to name of items
        -- Allows to choose any smart folder from a list of all smart folders
        set selectedSearchFolder to choose from list namesOfSavedSearchesSubFolders ¬
            with title ¬
            "Smart Search Folders" with prompt ¬
            "Choose Your Folder" OK button name ¬
            "OK" cancel button name "CANCEL"
        set selectedSearchFolder to selectedSearchFolder as text
        set selectedSearchFolderPath to savedSearches & ":" & selectedSearchFolder
        set selectedSearchFolderPath to selectedSearchFolderPath as string
    end tell
    delay 0.2 -- may need to adjust delay time value
    select selectedSearchFolderPath
    tell Finder window 1
        set defaultView to current view
        set current view to list view
        delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
        set current view to defaultView
        delay 0.5 -- may need to adjust delay time value
        tell application "System Events"
            key code 0 using command down
        end tell
    end tell
    set moveTheseItems to selection
end tell

tell application "Finder"
    set resultObject to move moveTheseItems ¬
        to moveToNewFolder ¬
        with replacing
end tell
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