"{\"message\":\"Missing Authorization header\",\"status\":401}"
CString GetAvailableSymbols(void)
CString oResult = "";
// Create a HTTP session
CInternetSession session(AGENT_NAME);
// Create a HTTP connection
CHttpConnection* pConnection = session.GetHttpConnection(_T("fc-data.ssi.com.vn"));
// Create a HTTP request
CHttpFile* pFile = pConnection->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_GET, _T("/api/v2/Market/Securities?pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&market=hose"));
// Send the request with custom headers
const TCHAR szHeaders[] = _T("Authorization: Bearer TestToken\r\nAccept: application/json\r\nUser-Agent:HttpClient\r\n");
bool test = pFile->AddRequestHeaders(szHeaders);
BOOL bSend = pFile->SendRequest();
// Receive the response
CString strResponse;
char szBuffer[1024];
UINT nRead;
while ((nRead = pFile->Read(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer))) > 0)
szBuffer[nRead] = '\0';
strResponse += szBuffer;
// Close the file
delete pFile;
// Close the connection
// Parse the response to extract symbols
// Here, you should parse the JSON response to extract symbols
// For simplicity, let's assume the symbols are extracted correctly
int nIndex = strResponse.Find("\"Symbol\": \"");
while (nIndex != -1)
CString strSymbol = strResponse.Mid(nIndex + 11); // Extracting symbol starting from after "\"Symbol\": \""
strSymbol = strSymbol.SpanExcluding("\""); // Removing everything after the symbol value
oResult += strSymbol + "\n";
nIndex = strResponse.Find("\"Symbol\": \"", nIndex + 1); // Find next occurrence of symbol
return oResult;
pFile->SendRequest(strHeaders, lpFormData, strFormData.GetLength());