
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我从 pword char 数组中收到运行时错误代码 #2 缓冲区溢出。任何有助于解决问题的提示。

//Write a program to determine whether or not an entered 
//password is valid.Valid passwords consist of 10 characters,
//4 of which must be letters and the other 6 digits.
//The letters and digits can be arranged in any order.
//Only lowercase letters are allowed for valid passwords.
//Hints: use islower, isalpha, isdigit, and strlen.


using namespace std;

int main()
    const int Size = 10;
    int pword[Size];
    int count=0;
    int totall = 0;
    int totaln = 0;
    bool state = NULL;

    while(state != true) 
        cout << "Enter a password up to 10 characters: " << endl;
        cin >> pword;

        int psize = strlen(pword);
        totall = 0;
        totaln = 0;
        while (pword[count] != '\0')

            if (isalpha(pword[count]))
                totall += 1;

            if (isdigit(pword[count]))
                totaln += 1;
        if (totall > 4 || totaln > 6)
            cout << " Error! Only enter 4 characters and 6 digits." << endl;
            state = false;
            state = true;
        count = 0;
            if (!islower(pword[count]))
                if (!isdigit(pword[count]))
                    cout << "Error all characters must be lowercase!" << endl;
                    state = false;

        cout << "The password you entered is: " << pword << endl;
        cout << "The number of lower case letters in the password is " << totall << endl;
        cout << "The number of digits in the password is " << totaln << endl;
        return 0;


pword[Size]= (char*)malloc(sizeof(char))={};

但是失败了,所以我恢复了代码。我试图在堆上为 char 数组索引 0-10 创建一个空间,并在索引 10 处使用 null 终止字符。看看 malloc,虽然我不明白如何通过这种方式使数组比 char 更长?

c++ arrays char runtime-error stack-overflow


int pword[Size];


string pword;

当您输入超过 9 个字符时,不再有缓冲区溢出的可能性。


int main()
    const int Size = 10;
    string pword;
    int totall = 0;
    int totaln = 0;
    int isAllLowercase = true;
    bool state = false;

    while(state != true) 
        cout << "Enter a password up to 10 characters: " << endl;
        cin >> pword;

        int psize = strlen(pword);
        totall = 0;
        totaln = 0;

        for (char c : pword)
            if (isalpha(c))
                totall += 1;

            if (isdigit(c))
                totaln += 1;
            isAllLowerCase = isAllLowerCase && (islower(c) || isdigit(c));
        if (totall > 4 || totaln > 6)
            cout << " Error! Only enter 4 characters and 6 digits." << endl;
        else if (!isAllLowerCase)
            cout << "Error all characters must be lowercase!" << endl;
            state = true;
    cout << "The password you entered is: " << pword << endl;
    cout << "The number of lower case letters in the password is " << totall << endl;
    cout << "The number of digits in the password is " << totaln << endl;
    return 0;
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