我正在将大部分任务自动化,以尽量减少误差幅度。目前,我正在探索一种方法,例如设置热键(例如 Alt + Ins)以将工具从“C:/Tooling/”复制到我当前正在使用的文件夹。从我迄今为止的研究来看,定义一个结束文件夹似乎是可行的,但不是当前打开的文件夹。
^!c:: ; Ctrl+Alt+C hotkey to trigger the file copy
; Replace "C:\Path\To\Your\Folder" with the path of your source folder
SourceFolder := "C:\test"
; Get the current location in Windows Explorer
if WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass") ; Check if Windows Explorer is active
; Send Ctrl+L to focus on the address bar
Send, ^l
; Wait for the address bar to be active
WinWaitActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass
; Send Ctrl+C to copy the path
Send, ^c
; Wait for the clipboard to contain the path
; Get the path from the clipboard
CurrentPath := Clipboard
; Construct the destination path
DestFolder := CurrentPath "\" (FileExist(SourceFolder) ? "" : "test")
; Create the destination folder if it doesn't exist
IfNotExist, %DestFolder%
FileCreateDir, %DestFolder%
; Copy files using FileCopy command
Loop, %SourceFolder%\*.* ; Loop through all files in the source folder
FileCopy, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %DestFolder%
; Copy specific folders recursively
Folders := "Docs|Input|Tools"
Loop, Parse, Folders, |
FolderName := A_LoopField
SourceFolderPath := SourceFolder "\" FolderName
DestFolderPath := DestFolder "\" FolderName
; Check if the source folder exists
IfExist, %SourceFolderPath%
; Create the destination folder if it doesn't exist
IfNotExist, %DestFolderPath%
FileCreateDir, %DestFolderPath%
; Copy files and subfolders from the specific folder
CopyFolderRecursive(SourceFolderPath, DestFolderPath)
MsgBox, Files and folders copied to %DestFolder%
MsgBox, Please activate Windows Explorer.
CopyFolderRecursive(Source, Dest) {
Loop, %Source%\*.* ; Loop through all files in the source folder
FileCopy, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %Dest%
Loop, %Source%\*., 2 ; Loop through all subfolders in the source folder
SubfolderName := A_LoopFileName
FullSourcePath := Source "\" SubfolderName
FullDestPath := Dest "\" SubfolderName
CopyFolderRecursive(FullSourcePath, FullDestPath)
SourceFolder := "C:\test"
SplitPath, SourceFolder, SourceFolderName ; Extract only the folder name from its full path.
SpecificFolders := "Docs|Input|Tools"
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass ; Explorer
^!c:: ; Ctrl+Alt+C hotkey to trigger the Source Folder copy
If !FileExist(SourceFolder)
MsgBox,48, Error!, %SourceFolder% `ndoesn't exist
DestFolder := GetActiveExplorerPath()
FileCreateDir, %DestFolder%\%SourceFolderName% ; Creates the folder if it doesn't exist
FileCopyDir, %SourceFolder%, %DestFolder%\%SourceFolderName%, 1 ; Overwrite existing files
^!d:: ; Ctrl+Alt+D hotkey to trigger the Specific Folders recursive copy
If !FileExist(SourceFolder)
MsgBox,48, Error!, %SourceFolder% `ndoesn't exist
DestFolder := GetActiveExplorerPath()
Loop, Parse, SpecificFolders, |
If FileExist(SourceFolder "\" A_LoopField)
SourceFolderPath = %SourceFolder%\%A_LoopField%
DestFolderPath = %DestFolder%\%SourceFolderName%\%A_LoopField%
FileCreateDir, %DestFolderPath% ; Creates the folder if it doesn't exist
CopyFolderRecursive(SourceFolderPath, DestFolderPath)
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=69925
explorerHwnd := WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
if (explorerHwnd)
for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
try if (window.hwnd==explorerHwnd)
return window.Document.Folder.Self.Path
CopyFolderRecursive(Source, Dest) {
If FileExist(Source) AND FileExist(Dest)
FileCopyDir, %Source%, %Dest%, 1 ; Overwrite existing files
FileCopyDir, %Dest%, %Source%, 1
参见 #IfWinActive、FileCopyDir 和 FileExist()。