Scenario Outline: Verify if the user can create an response if user posts a request with invalid payload
Given User had specified name <name> description <description> in create application request
And User had specified tenantId id <tenantId> in header of createApplication request
When User sends a create request to application service with invalidPayload
Then User should get an error code <errorCode> in the createApplication response with error message as <errorMessage>
| description| name | errorCode | errorMessage|tenantid|
| testdescription| DummyApplication| 857 | Application named ${name} already exists for a given tenant | mock|
private string Name
return ScenarioContext.Current["Name"].ToString();
ScenarioContext.Current["Name"] = value;
[Given(@"User had specified name (.*) description (.*) in create application request")]
public void GivenUserHadSpecifiedNameDummyApplicationDescriptionTestdescriptionInCreateApplicationRequest(string name, string description)
// store the name
this.Name = name;
[Then(@"User should get an error code (.*) in the createApplication response with error message as (.*)")]
public void ThenUserShouldGetAnErrorCodeInTheCreateApplicationResponseWithErrorMessageAsApplicationNamedNameAlreadyExistsForAGivenTenant(int errorCode, string errorMessage)
// retrieve the name and use
var expected = errorMessage.Replace("${name}", $"'{this.Name}'");
//Application named 'DummyApplication' already exists for a given tenant