我想知道为什么这个R语句无法解释我的数据集列Occurred Date / Time
> head (test[,c(0:4)])
# A tibble: 6 x 4
`Template ID` `Reported Date` `Reported Time` `Occurred Date / Time`
<int> <chr> <time> <dttm>
1 124529 1/02/2016 00:32:00 2016-01-31 23:19:20
2 126305 6/02/2016 06:42:00 2016-02-06 05:46:48
3 126921 6/02/2016 12:28:00 2016-02-06 10:22:05
4 127035 9/02/2016 04:26:00 2016-02-09 03:59:58
5 127916 11/02/2016 17:25:00 2016-02-11 16:35:19
6 128340 10/02/2016 10:38:00 2016-02-10 09:33:01
xts(test[, -1], order.by = as.POSIXct(test[,c(4)],format="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"))
Error message;
> xts(test[, -1], order.by = as.POSIXct(test[,c(4)],format="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"))
Error in as.POSIXct.default(test[, c(4)], format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") :
do not know how to convert 'test[, c(4)]' to class “POSIXct”
检查您的专栏qazxsw poi(示例qazxsw poi),格式为“%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S”但您设置Ocurred Date/Time
如果您遇到格式问题,库2016-02-10 09:33:01
format="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"