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我是编程新手,目前正在开发一个应用程序来帮助管理我的家庭预算。所有数据都存储在 XML 文件中。为了按日期对向量进行排序,我实现了冒泡排序算法。但是,我遇到了结果不正确的问题。有人可以提供识别错误的指导吗?

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "Markup.h"

using namespace std;

class income{
    int userId;
    int amount;
    int itemId;
    string item;
    string date;
    void setUserId(int i) {userId = i;}
    void setAmount(int a) {amount = a;}
    void setItemId(int i ) {itemId = i;} // Corrected function name
    void setDate(string d) {date = d;}
    void setItem(string i) {item = i;}

    int getUserId()   {return userId;}
    int getAmount()   {return amount;}
    int getItemId()  {return itemId;}
    string getItem() {return item;}
    string getDate()  {return date;}

bool returnOlderDate(string date1,string date2) {

    int year1 = stoi(date1.substr(0,2));
    int month1 = stoi(date1.substr(3,2)); // Corrected substring indices
    int day1 = stoi(date1.substr(6,2));   // Corrected substring indices

    int year2 = stoi(date2.substr(0,2));
    int month2 = stoi(date2.substr(3,2)); // Corrected substring indices
    int day2 = stoi(date2.substr(6,2));   // Corrected substring indices

    if (year1 != year2) {
        return year1 < year2;
    if (month1 != month2) {
        return month1 < month2;
    return day1 < day2;
void sortVector(vector <income> &incomes) {

    int n = incomes.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; ++j) {
            if (returnOlderDate(incomes[j].getDate(), incomes[j + 1].getDate())) {

                swap(incomes[j], incomes[j + 1]);
            } else {


vector <income> LoadIncome() {

    CMarkup xml;

    vector <income> incomes;
    bool fileExists = xml.Load("income.xml");

    if(!fileExists) {
        cout << "Empty File" << endl;
        return incomes;


    while(xml.FindElem()) {
        income newIncome; // Create a new income object
        xml.FindChildElem("userId");// userId
        newIncome.setUserId(stoi(xml.GetChildData())); // Use newIncome instead of income
        newIncome.setItemId(stoi(xml.GetChildData())); // Use newIncome instead of income
        newIncome.setAmount(stoi(xml.GetChildData())); // Use newIncome instead of income
        newIncome.setItem(xml.GetChildData()); // Use newIncome instead of income
        newIncome.setDate(xml.GetChildData()); // Use newIncome instead of income
        incomes.push_back(newIncome); // Push newIncome into the vector

    return incomes;

void showIncomes(vector <income>& incomes) { // Corrected function declaration

    for(auto i : incomes) {
        cout << "date: " << i.getDate() << endl;

int main()
    vector <income> incomes; // Corrected vector declaration
    incomes = LoadIncome();

    sortVector(incomes);// Added to show sorted incomes

    return 0;

I tried to sort the vectors by date using bubble sort

type here
c++ xml vector bubble-sort

Xml 文件

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