) 的整数,我想将其替换为 13
) 的函数。替换整数中的位的最佳算法是什么?
set_bits(somevalue, 3, 1) # What makes the 3rd bit to 1 in somevalue?
这些适用于任何大小的整数,甚至大于 32 位:
def set_bit(value, bit):
return value | (1<<bit)
def clear_bit(value, bit):
return value & ~(1<<bit)
>>> val = 0b111
>>> val |= (1<<3)
>>> '{:b}'.format(val)
>>> val &=~ (1<<1)
def set_bit(v, index, x):
"""Set the index:th bit of v to 1 if x is truthy, else to 0, and return the new value."""
mask = 1 << index # Compute mask, an integer with just bit 'index' set.
v &= ~mask # Clear the bit indicated by the mask (if x is False)
if x:
v |= mask # If x was True, set the bit indicated by the mask.
return v # Return the result, we're done.
>>> set_bit(7, 3, 1)
>>> set_bit(set_bit(7, 1, 0), 3, 1)
请注意,位数 (
) 从 0 开始,其中 0 是最低有效位。
您可以使用按位运算。 http://wiki.python.org/moin/BitwiseOperators
如果要将给定位设置为 1,可以在给定位置上使用按位“或”与 1:
0b00000111 | 0b00001000 = 0b00001111
要将给定位设置为 0,您可以使用按位“and”
0b00001111 & 0b11111011 = 0b00001011
请注意,0b 前缀表示二进制数,0x 表示十六进制数。
根据提供的示例,听起来您正在寻找交换整数中的位。 例如,在 7
中,如果交换第 3 个和第 1 个位置中的位,您将获得 13 (0b00001101)
swap_bits(val, i, j)
def swap_bits(val, i, j):
Given an integer val, swap bits in positions i and j if they differ
by flipping their values, i.e, select the bits to flip with a mask.
Since v ^ 1 = 0 when v = 1 and 1 when v = 0, perform the flip using an XOR.
if not (val >> i) & 1 == (val >> j) & 1:
mask = (1 << i) | (1 << j)
val ^= mask
return val
>>> swap_bits(7, 3, 1)
代码利用了一些技巧,这是 Sean Anderson 的“好资源”。我正在努力提供 Python 代码片段here。
def set_bit(v, index, x):
"""Set the index:th bit of v to 1 if x is truthy, else to 0, and return the new value."""
mask = 1 << index # Compute mask, an integer with just bit 'index' set.
v |= mask # Set the bit indicated by the mask to True.
v ^= (not x) * mask # If x is True, do nothing (XOR with 0). If x is False, use the mask for clearing the bit indicated by the mask (XOR with 1 in the requested position).
return v # Return the result, we're done.
>>> set_bit(7, 3, 1)
>>> set_bit(set_bit(7, 1, 0), 3, 1)
请注意,位数(索引)从 0 开始,其中 0 是最低有效位。