
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

[我正在尝试使用Google API和owl carousel来制作Google Reviews滑块,问题是Google评论最后(在页面完全加载后)追加数据,在Google评论加载之前调用owl carousel函数,因此owl carousel不会。工作。


这是我的代码段,顶级文件用于Google Api,下面是一个简单的php模板,我在其中使用该API代码。

    Note: You'll need a Google maps API key - requires both Maps JS and Places API services enabled.

$place_ID       = 'ChIJJWZ8calZwokRxvclFn2MzpA'; // Get from:
$business_type  = ''; // Example: FinancialService (
$business_name  = '';
$street_address = '';
$locality       = ''; // Example: Docklands (
$region         = '';
$post_code      = '';
$logo_path      = '';
$min_star       = '1'; // The minimum star rating (min = 1)
$max_rows       = '5'; // The maximum number of results (max = 5)
$api_key        = 'YOUR_API_KEY';

(function($) {

$.googlePlaces = function(element, options) {

    var defaults = {
        placeId:        '<?php echo $place_ID; ?>', 
        render:         ['reviews'], 
        min_rating:     <?php echo $min_star; ?>, 
        max_rows:       <?php echo $max_rows; ?>, 
        rotateTime:     false

    var plugin = this;

    plugin.settings = {}

    var $element = $(element),
        element = element;

    plugin.init = function() {
    plugin.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
    $element.html("<div id='the-reviews'></div>"); // create a plug for google to load data into
        plugin.place_data = place;
        // render specified sections
        if(plugin.settings.render.indexOf('reviews') > -1){
        if(!!plugin.settings.rotateTime) {

    var initialize_place = function(c){
    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('the-reviews'));

    var request = {
        placeId: plugin.settings.placeId

    var service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map);

    service.getDetails(request, function(place, status) {
        if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {

    var sort_by_date = function(ray) {
    ray.sort(function(a, b){
        var keyA = new Date(a.time),
        keyB = new Date(b.time);
        // Compare the 2 dates
        if(keyA < keyB) return -1;
        if(keyA > keyB) return 1;
        return 0;
    return ray;

    var filter_minimum_rating = function(reviews){
    for (var i = reviews.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if(reviews[i].rating < plugin.settings.min_rating){
    return reviews;

    var renderReviews = function(reviews) {
        reviews = sort_by_date(reviews);
        reviews = filter_minimum_rating(reviews);
        var html = "";
        var row_count = (plugin.settings.max_rows > 0)? plugin.settings.max_rows - 1 : reviews.length - 1;
        // make sure the row_count is not greater than available records
        row_count = (row_count > reviews.length-1)? reviews.length -1 : row_count;
        var counter = 1; var slide = '';
        html = html+"<div class='owl-carousel owl-theme'>"
        for (var i = row_count; i >= 0; i--) {
            if(counter == 1){ slide = 'active'; } else { slide = 'no'; }
            var stars = renderStars(reviews[i].rating);
            var date = convertTime(reviews[i].time);
            html = html+" <div class='item'> testest </div>"
            counter = counter+1;
        html = html+"</div>"
    var initRotation = function() {
        var $reviewEls = $element.children('.review-item');
        var currentIdx = $reviewEls.length > 0 ? 0 : false;
        if(currentIdx !== false) {
            if(++currentIdx >= $reviewEls.length) {
                currentIdx = 0;
            }, plugin.settings.rotateTime);

    var renderStars = function(rating) {
        var stars = "<div class='review-stars' itemprop='reviewRating' itemscope itemtype=''><meta itemprop='worstRating' content='1'/><meta itemprop='ratingValue' content='" + rating + "'/><meta itemprop='bestRating' content='5'/><ul>";

        // fill in gold stars
        for (var i = 0; i < rating; i++) {
            stars = stars+"<li class='star'>&#9733;</li>";

        // fill in empty stars
        if(rating < 5){
            for (var i = 0; i < (5 - rating); i++) {
                stars = stars+"<li class='star inactive'>&#9733;</li>";
        stars = stars+"</ul></div>";
        return stars;

    var convertTime = function(UNIX_timestamp) {
        var a = new Date(UNIX_timestamp * 1000);
        var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
        var time = months[a.getMonth()] + ' ' + a.getDate() + ', ' + a.getFullYear();
        return time;



$.fn.googlePlaces = function(options) {

    return this.each(function() {
    if (undefined == $(this).data('googlePlaces')) {
        var plugin = new $.googlePlaces(this, options);
        $(this).data('googlePlaces', plugin);



php jquery css google-maps-api-3 owl-carousel
[用setTimeout包装您的插件初始化,将其执行延迟x秒,以使Places API调用有足够的时间来使用数据;不确定在输入数据之前有多少延迟,但是假设您要延迟4秒;

setTimeout(Function(){ plugin.init = function() { plugin.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); $element.html("<div id='the-reviews'></div>"); // create a plug for google to load data into initialize_place(function(place){ plugin.place_data = place; // render specified sections if(plugin.settings.render.indexOf('reviews') > -1){ renderReviews(; if(!!plugin.settings.rotateTime) { initRotation(); } } }); } }, 4000);

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