要在 Laravel 中使用 DomPDF 以 PDF 形式显示 MySQL 数据库中的图像,您可以按照以下步骤操作:
DomPDF:作曲家需要 barryvdh/laravel-dompdf Laravel Collective HTML 包:composer require laravelcollective/html 确保您的数据库表包含用于存储图像数据的列。您可以使用 BLOB(二进制大对象)数据类型来存储图像。
在你的 Laravel Blade 视图(例如,certificate.blade.php)中,你可以使用 Laravel Collective HTML 包的 image 方法来显示图像。
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Models\Certificate;
use App\Models\Term;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use PDF;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
class CertificateController extends Controller
public function generateCertificate($termId)
// Fetch the term and relevant data
$term = Term::find($termId);
// Check if the term and necessary data are available
// Get the authenticated user's name
$userName = Auth::user()->name;
$userLastName = Auth::user()->last_name;
// Fetch the certificate data, including the logo
$certificate = Certificate::first();
// Prepare data for the certificate template
$data = [
'username' => $userName,
'userlastname' => $userLastName,
'course' => $term->course->title,
'term' => $term->title,
'date' => $term->finish_date,
'logo' => Storage::disk('public')->url($certificate->logo), // Use the Storage facade to get the URL
'position_1' => $certificate->position_1,
'position_2' => $certificate->position_2,
'name_1' => $certificate->name_1,
'name_2' => $certificate->name_2,
// Load the certificate template HTML
$html = view('certificate.certificate', $data)->render();
// Generate the PDF from the HTML
$pdf = PDF::loadHTML($html);
// Set the paper size to certificate size (e.g., A4) and landscape orientation
$pdf->setPaper('Letter', 'landscape');
// Set the file name for the PDF
$fileName = 'certificate_' . $term->id . '.pdf';
// Optionally, you can store the PDF on the server or force download
// Example: $pdf->save(storage_path('certificates/' . $fileName));
// Example: return $pdf->download($fileName);
// Display the PDF in the browser
return $pdf->stream($fileName);
// Method to handle the form submission
public function index()
$certificate = Certificate::first(); // Retrieve a single certificate
return view('contents.admin.badges.index', compact('certificate'));