在Excel VBA SQL查询中使用单语引号进行交流

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Departments='" & replace(Sheet3.Range("Dept_name").Value, "'", "''") & _ "' and Metric
sql vba excel
mysql = mysql + " SET @sql = N'" mysql = mysql + " SELECT [REP CODE], [CUST CODE], [REP NAME], [CUSTOMER NAME]," mysql = mysql + " '' +" mysql = mysql + " (SELECT STRING_AGG(''ISNULL('' + QUOTENAME(MonthYear) + '', 0) AS '' + QUOTENAME(MonthYear), '', '')" mysql = mysql + " FROM (" mysql = mysql + " SELECT DISTINCT" mysql = mysql + " DATENAME(MONTH, bolh_shp_or_prt_date) + '' '' + CAST(YEAR(bolh_shp_or_prt_date) AS NVARCHAR) AS MonthYear," mysql = mysql + " MIN(bolh_shp_or_prt_date) As MinDate" mysql = mysql + " From sisl_data04.dbo.so_bol_headers" mysql = mysql + " WHERE (bolh_salesrep_id = @salesrep_id OR @salesrep_id='''')" mysql = mysql + " AND bolh_shp_or_prt_date BETWEEN @from_date AND @to_date" mysql = mysql + " AND bolh_stage_flg >= @bolh_stage_flg" mysql = mysql + " GROUP BY DATENAME(MONTH, bolh_shp_or_prt_date), YEAR(bolh_shp_or_prt_date)" mysql = mysql + " ) AS MonthList" mysql = mysql + " ) +" mysql = mysql + " ''," mysql = mysql + " ISNULL('' + (SELECT STRING_AGG(''ISNULL('' + QUOTENAME(MonthYear) + '', 0)'', '' + '') " mysql = mysql + " FROM (" mysql = mysql + " SELECT DISTINCT" mysql = mysql + " DATENAME(MONTH, bolh_shp_or_prt_date) + '' '' + CAST(YEAR(bolh_shp_or_prt_date) AS NVARCHAR) AS MonthYear," mysql = mysql + " MIN(bolh_shp_or_prt_date) As MinDate" mysql = mysql + " From sisl_data04.dbo.so_bol_headers" mysql = mysql + " WHERE (bolh_salesrep_id = @salesrep_id OR @salesrep_id='''')" mysql = mysql + " AND bolh_shp_or_prt_date BETWEEN @from_date AND @to_date" mysql = mysql + " AND bolh_stage_flg >= @bolh_stage_flg" mysql = mysql + " GROUP BY DATENAME(MONTH, bolh_shp_or_prt_date), YEAR(bolh_shp_or_prt_date)" mysql = mysql + " ) AS MonthList) + '', 0) AS [TOTAL]," mysql = mysql + " SortOrder, SortKey" mysql = mysql + " INTO #PivotResult" mysql = mysql + " FROM (" mysql = mysql + " SELECT" mysql = mysql + " bolh_salesrep_id AS [REP CODE]," mysql = mysql + " bolh_cust_id AS [CUST CODE]," mysql = mysql + " UPPER(sr.sr_salesrep_name) AS [REP NAME]," mysql = mysql + " UPPER(c.cu_name) AS [CUSTOMER NAME]," mysql = mysql + " DATENAME(MONTH, bolh_shp_or_prt_date) + '' '' + CAST(YEAR(bolh_shp_or_prt_date) AS NVARCHAR) AS [MonthYear]," mysql = mysql + " SUM(ISNULL(bolh_taxinclship_amt, 0)) AS TOTALSales," mysql = mysql + " 0 AS SortOrder, -- Regular rows (SortOrder = 0)" mysql = mysql + " bolh_salesrep_id + ISNULL(bolh_cust_id, '''') AS SortKey" mysql = mysql + " FROM so_bol_headers bh WITH (NOLOCK)" mysql = mysql + " INNER JOIN sales_reps sr WITH (NOLOCK) ON bh.bolh_salesrep_id = sr.sr_salesrep_id" mysql = mysql + " INNER JOIN customers c WITH (NOLOCK) ON bh.bolh_cust_id = c.cu_cust_id" mysql = mysql + " WHERE (bolh_salesrep_id = @salesrep_id OR @salesrep_id='''')" mysql = mysql + " AND bolh_shp_or_prt_date BETWEEN @from_date AND @to_date" mysql = mysql + " AND bolh_stage_flg >= @bolh_stage_flg" mysql = mysql + " GROUP BY bolh_salesrep_id, bolh_cust_id, sr.sr_salesrep_name, c.cu_name, DATENAME(MONTH, bolh_shp_or_prt_date), YEAR(bolh_shp_or_prt_date)" mysql = mysql + " ) AS SourceTable" mysql = mysql + " PIVOT (" mysql = mysql + " SUM (TOTALSales)" mysql = mysql + " FOR [MonthYear] IN ('' + @cols + '')" mysql = mysql + " ) AS PivotTable;" mysql = mysql + " SELECT [REP CODE], [CUST CODE], [REP NAME], [CUSTOMER NAME]," mysql = mysql + " '' + @cols + ''," mysql = mysql + " [Total]" mysql = mysql + " FROM (" mysql = mysql + " SELECT [REP CODE], [CUST CODE], [REP NAME], [CUSTOMER NAME]," mysql = mysql + " '' + @cols + ''," mysql = mysql + " [TOTAL], 0 AS SortOrder, SortKey" mysql = mysql + " FROM #PivotResult" mysql = mysql + " Union ALL" mysql = mysql + " SELECT" mysql = mysql + " '''' AS [REP CODE]," mysql = mysql + " '''' AS [CUST CODE]," mysql = mysql + " '''' AS [REP NAME]," mysql = mysql + " [REP CODE] + '' TOTAL'' AS [CUSTOMER NAME]," mysql = mysql + " '' + @TOTALCols + ''," mysql = mysql + " ISNULL(SUM([TOTAL]),0) AS [TOTAL]," mysql = mysql + " 1 AS SortOrder," mysql = mysql + " [REP CODE] + ''ZZZZZZ'' AS SortKey" mysql = mysql + " FROM #PivotResult" mysql = mysql + " GROUP BY [REP CODE]" mysql = mysql + " Union ALL" mysql = mysql + " SELECT" mysql = mysql + " '''' AS [REP CODE]," mysql = mysql + " '''' AS [CUST CODE]," mysql = mysql + " '''' AS [REP NAME]," mysql = mysql + " ''GRAND TOTAL'' AS [CUSTOMER NAME]," mysql = mysql + " '' + @TOTALCols + ''," mysql = mysql + " ISNULL(SUM([TOTAL]), 0) AS [TOTAL]," mysql = mysql + " 2 AS SortOrder," mysql = mysql + " ''ZZZZZZZZZZ'' AS SortKey" mysql = mysql + " FROM #PivotResult" mysql = mysql + " ) AS FinalResult" mysql = mysql + " ORDER BY SortKey, SortOrder, [CUST CODE];" mysql = mysql + " DROP TABLE #PivotResult;';" mysql = mysql + " EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@salesrep_id NVARCHAR(MAX), @from_date DATE, @to_date DATE, @bolh_stage_flg NVARCHAR(10)', @salesrep_id, @from_date, @to_date, @bolh_stage_flg;"


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