我创建了一个脚本,用于在 SAP Hybris 与 Cypress 之间进行测试。一般来说,一切工作正常,尽管我想包含一个函数,如果在当前页面上找不到搜索的元素,该函数基本上会导航到下一页。请看一下代码:
const checkProductOnPage = (CATALOG_LABEL, retries = 0) => {
const maxRetries = 5; // Adjust this based on the maximum number of pages you expect
// Try to find the product on the current page
return cy.contains('span.yw-coll-browser-hyperlink', CATALOG_LABEL, { timeout: 10000 }) // Adjust timeout as needed
.then(productElement => {
if (productElement.length) {
// If the product element is found
return cy.wrap(productElement).scrollIntoView().should('be.visible').click({ force: true });
} else if (retries < maxRetries) {
// If the product element is not found and we haven't exceeded max retries
return cy.get('body').then(body => {
if (body.find('.z-paging-icon.z-icon-angle-right').length > 0) {
// Click on the pagination button and wait for the page to update
return cy.get('.z-paging-icon.z-icon-angle-right').eq(0).click({ force: true })
.wait(5000) // Adjust wait time as needed
.then(() => checkProductOnPage(CATALOG_LABEL, retries + 1)); // Recurse with increased retry count
} else {
throw new Error('Reached the last page and product not found');
} else {
throw new Error('Product not found after maximum retries');
const checkProductReplacements = (productCode, replacements, isFirstSearch) => {
// Determine the correct input element to type into based on whether it's the first search
const inputIndex = isFirstSearch ? 3 : 5;
cy.get('.z-bandbox-input').eq(inputIndex).type(productCode, { force: true }).wait(300);
return checkProductOnPage(CATALOG_LABEL).then(() => {
// Use cy.then to properly chain the commands
cy.then(() => {
replacements.forEach(replacement => {
const label = LABELS[replacement.level];
.should('contain', label)
.should('contain', CATALOG_LABEL);
cy.get('.yw-navigationhistory-back').eq(0).should('be.visible').click({ force: true });
it('should test the replacement matrix', () => {
checkProductReplacements("G0000605", [
{ code: "G0000605", level: 'L1' },
{ code: "G0000592", level: 'L2' },
{ code: "G0000604", level: 'L1' }
], true);
checkProductReplacements("G0000606", [
{ code: "G0000606", level: 'L1' },
{ code: "G0000592", level: 'L3' },
{ code: "G0000604", level: 'L2' }
], false);
checkProductReplacements("G0000607", [
{ code: "G0000607", level: 'L1' },
{ code: "G0000605", level: 'L2' },
{ code: "G0000593", level: 'L3' }
], false);
10000 毫秒后超时重试:预计会在选择器:“span.yw-coll-browser-hyperlink”中找到内容:“突尼斯产品目录:已上演”,但从未找到。
38 | 39 | // Try to find the product on the current page > 40 | return cy.contains('span.yw-coll-browser-hyperlink', CATALOG_LABEL, { timeout: 10000 }) | ^ 41 | .then(productElement => { 42 | if (productElement.length) { 43 | // If the product element
它没有找到 G0000606 产品,因为它位于第二页,所以 Cypress 应该导航到第二页,但它只是抛出了一个错误,无法找到所请求的产品。
const checkProductOnPage = (CATALOG_LABEL, retries = 0) => {
const maxRetries = 5; // Adjust this based on the maximum number of pages you expect
// Try to find the product on the current page
return cy.contains('span.yw-coll-browser-hyperlink', CATALOG_LABEL, { timeout: 10000 }) // Adjust timeout as needed
.then(productElement => {
if (productElement.length) {
// If the product element is found
return cy.wrap(productElement).scrollIntoView().should('be.visible').click({ force: true });
} else if (retries < maxRetries) {
// If the product element is not found and we haven't exceeded max retries
return cy.get('body').then(body => {
if (body.find('.z-paging-icon.z-icon-angle-right').length > 0) {
// Click on the pagination button and wait for the page to update
return cy.get('.z-paging-icon.z-icon-angle-right').eq(0).click({ force: true })
.wait(5000) // Adjust wait time as needed
.then(() => checkProductOnPage(CATALOG_LABEL, retries + 1)); // Recurse with increased retry count
} else {
throw new Error('Reached the last page and product not found');
} else {
throw new Error('Product not found after maximum retries');
cy.contains('span.yw-coll-browser-hyperlink', CATALOG_LABEL, { timeout: 10000 })
.then(productElement => {
if (productElement.length) {
} else if (retries < maxRetries) {
cy.contains('span.yw-coll-browser-hyperlink', CATALOG_LABEL)
如果未找到 CATALOG_LABEL,则测试失败。
if (productElement.length)
表示“如果我找到了该元素”。但这始终是正确的,因为如果不是,则上面的第 1 点已经通过了测试。
.then(links => {
// check the contains CATALOG_LABEL here (non-failing if not found)
const productElement = links.filter(`:contains(${CATALOG_LABEL})`)
if (productElement.length) {
} else if (retries < maxRetries) {