
问题描述 投票:2回答:1


/// A trait for making things.
trait Make {
    type Output: ?Sized;
    fn make(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<Self::Output>;

/// A special case of Make, which makes things that impl the same trait.
trait Bootstrapper: Make<Output = dyn Bootstrapper> {} // Will NOT compile.

但是,我无法执行此操作,因为它会创建无限循环。在上面的示例中,我需要为Output(其本身为dyn Bootstrapper)指定dyn Bootstrapper。但是然后,我需要为that Output指定dyn Bootstrapper,依此类推,例如Make<Output = dyn Bootstrapper<Output = dyn Bootstrapper<Output = dyn Bootstrapper<...>>>


error[E0391]: cycle detected when computing the supertraits of `Bootstrapper`
 --> src/lib.rs:8:1
8 | trait Bootstrapper: Make<Output = dyn Bootstrapper> {} // Will NOT compile.
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: ...which again requires computing the supertraits of `Bootstrapper`, completing the cycle
note: cycle used when collecting item types in top-level module
 --> src/lib.rs:8:1
8 | trait Bootstrapper: Make<Output = dyn Bootstrapper> {} // Will NOT compile.
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

我也不能指定Output = Self,因为这会过度限制特征,因此,Bootstrapper的给定实现只能将make()本身更多。我希望Bootstrapper能够make()其他种类的Bootstrapper。请参阅此Rust playground作为(大致)我正在尝试做的示例。

是否有解决此问题的方法,并让Bootstrapper指定Bootstrappernot Self)为Output

rust traits associated-types


/// A meta-`trait` that defines the associated types for a subset of `Make`.
trait Traits {
    type Output : ?Sized;

/// A `trait` for making things. Takes in a set of `Traits` that define the
/// output for the `make()` function.
trait Make {
    type Traits : Traits;
    fn make(self : Box<Self>) -> Box<<Self::Traits as Traits>::Output>;


/// `Traits` implementation for `Bootstrapper`, which constrains the `Make`
/// implementation for `Bootstrapper` to outputting a `Box<Bootstrapper>`.
struct BootstrapperTraits;
impl Traits for BootstrapperTraits {
    // NOTE: Specifying Self here gets around the circular dependency.
    type Output = dyn Bootstrapper<Traits = Self>;

/// A special case of Make that makes the same *kind* of thing as itself, but
/// not *necessarily* `Self`.
trait Bootstrapper : Make<Traits = BootstrapperTraits> {
    fn is_best(&self) -> bool;

具体类型(BootstrapperTraits)可以通过将Self指定为type TraitsOutput来避开圆形特征。然后,将BootstrapperTraits指定为Traits的特定Bootstrapper实现。因此,实现Bootstrapper的任何人现在还必须实现Make<Traits = BootstrapperTraits>,这要求Outputdyn Bootstrapper

请参阅此Rust playground了解完整的解决方案。

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