关于1-我遍历了Stack的主题-并看到了一些对我不太清楚的实现(不幸的是,在C中不是)...一种通过两次使用BFS计算直径的方法,从随机开始顶点... 我不确定第二个BFS是否必须“记住”第一个BFS中的已访问数组。
至于2-我真的不知道该如何处理,但是我相信我可以在这里使用BFS。]]。> 此外,我必须在O(n ^ 2)时间复杂度中实现这两个要求。
typedef struct Vertex { size_t key; size_t amountOfNeighbors; // The current amount of neighbors size_t capacity; // The capacity of the neighbors (It's updating during run-time) struct Vertex* parent; struct Vertex** neighbors; // The possible parent and children of a vertex } Vertex; Vertex* bfs(Vertex* allVertices, size_t numOfVertices, Vertex* startVertex, size_t* pathDistance) { if (startVertex -> neighbors == NULL) { // In case we have only one vertex in the graph *pathDistance = 0; return startVertex; } Queue* q = (Queue*)malloc((sizeof(size_t) * numOfVertices)); int* visited = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * numOfVertices); for (size_t i = 0; i < numOfVertices; i++) { visited[i] = 0; // Mark all the vertices as unvisited } size_t lastVertex = 0; // Actually indicates the furthermost vertex from startVertex *pathDistance = 0; // The number of edges between lastVertex and startVertex enqueue(q, startVertex->key); visited[startVertex->key] = 1; // Mark as visited while (!queueIsEmpty(q)) { unsigned int currentVertex = dequeue(q); // The key of the current vertex Vertex* s = &allVertices[currentVertex]; size_t currentAmountOfNeighbors = 0; // Detects the number of processed neighbors of the current vertex for (Vertex **child = s->neighbors; currentAmountOfNeighbors < s->amountOfNeighbors; currentAmountOfNeighbors++) { if (!visited[(*(child))->key]) { visited[(*(child))->key] = 1; enqueue(q, (*(child))->key); child++; // TODO Validate it's a correct use of memory! } } *pathDistance += 1; // Another layer passed lastVertex = peekQueue(q); } Vertex* furtherMostVertexFromS = &allVertices[lastVertex]; free(q); q = NULL; return furtherMostVertexFromS; }
我必须使用BFS分析C中的一元树。有一些我暂时无法实现的要求:1.找到树的直径。 2.给定树中的两个顶点-...
首先,这种性质的问题更适合CS Stack Exchange,但无论如何我都会尽力帮助
对于您的第一个问题(确定直径),请注意,树的最长路径必须以树中最深的节点(叶子)开始(或结束)。 BFS帮助您找到所有节点的深度,从而帮助您找到最深的节点。您能从那里找到如何找到所述路径的终点吗?提示:考虑寻找图的最深节点的过程。