
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个代码,可以从用户那里获取数据并制作 Excel 表格。 对于每个组,它应该制作自己的工作表,并将其用于“文本”数据。 但它并没有用图像来实现,而是将第一圈的图像放入每个工作表中。 此外,经过所有圈数后,它会删除图像,但我认为这不会成为问题。 这就是代码:

import xlsxwriter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os

num = int(input('Input amount of registers: '))
x = 1
x_ind = np.arange(x)

workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('Registers.xlsx')

for i in range(num):
    worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
    a1 = int(input('Input Power Level 1: '))
    a2 = int(input('Input Min: '))
    a3 = int(input('Input Max: '))
    b1 = int(input('Input Power Level 2: '))
    b2 = int(input('Input Min: '))
    b3 = int(input('Input Max: '))
    c1 = int(input('Input Power Level 3: '))
    c2 = int(input('Input Min: '))
    c3 = int(input('Input Max: '))
    d1 = int(input('Input Power Level 4: ' ))
    d2 = int(input('Input Min: '))
    d3 = int(input('Input Max: '))
    row = 0
    col1 = workbook.add_format({'bg_color':'red'})
    col2 = workbook.add_format({'bg_color':'green'})
    worksheet.write(row, 0, "Input Power Level 1")
    worksheet.write(row, 1, a1)
    worksheet.write(row, 2, "ALARM 1")
    worksheet.write(row, 3, '', col1)
    worksheet.write(row, 4, 'Min Limit')
    worksheet.write(row, 5, a2)
    worksheet.write(row, 6, 'Max Limit')
    worksheet.write(row, 7, a3)
    pr = 0
    if a2 < 0 and a3 < 0:
        a21 = a2 + (a2*(-1))
        a31 = a3 + (a2*(-1))
        a11 = a1 + (a2*(-1))
        pr = a11/a31 * 100
    elif a2 < 0 and a3 >= 0 and a1 >= 0:
        a21 = a2 + (a2*(-1))
        a31 = a3 + (a2*(-1))
        a11 = a1 + (a2*(-1))
        pr = a11/a31 * 100
    elif a2 < 0 and a3 >= 0 and a1 < 0:
        a21 = a2 + (a2*(-1))
        a31 = a3 + (a2*(-1))
        a11 = a1 + (a2*(-1))
        pr = a11/a31 * 100
    elif a2 >= 0 and a3 >= 0 and a1 >= 0:
        pr = a1/a3 * 100       
    pr = round(pr, 1)
    if a2 < 0 and a3 < 0:
        a22 = a2 + (a2*(-1))
        a32 = a3 + (a2*(-1))
        a12 = a1 + (a2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, a32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, a12 , color='purple')
    elif a2 < 0 and a3 >= 0 and a1 >= 0:
        a22 = a2 + (a2*(-1))
        a32 = a3 + (a2*(-1))
        a12 = a1 + (a2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, a32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, a12 , color='purple')
    elif a2 < 0 and a3 >= 0 and a1 < 0:
        a22 = a2 + (a2*(-1))
        a32 = a3 + (a2*(-1))
        a12 = a1 + (a2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, a32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, a12 , color='purple')
    elif a2 >= 0 and a3 >= 0 and a1 >= 0:
        plt.bar(x_ind, a3, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, a1 , color='purple')

    plt.xticks(x_ind, [a1])
    plt.yticks(x_ind, [pr])
    plt.xlabel('Power Level 1, dBm')
    plt.ylabel('Percent of completion, %')
    row += 1
    worksheet.write(row, 0, "Input Power Level 2")
    worksheet.write(row, 1, b1)
    worksheet.write(row, 2, "ALARM 2")
    worksheet.write(row, 3, '', col2)
    worksheet.write(row, 4, 'Min Limit')
    worksheet.write(row, 5, b2)
    worksheet.write(row, 6, 'Max Limit')
    worksheet.write(row, 7, b3)
    pr = 0
    if b2 < 0 and b3 < 0:
        b21 = b2 + (b2*(-1))
        b31 = b3 + (b2*(-1))
        b11 = b1 + (b2*(-1))
        pr = b11/b31 * 100
    elif b2 < 0 and b3 >= 0 and b1 >= 0:
        b21 = b2 + (b2*(-1))
        b31 = b3 + (b2*(-1))
        b11 = b1 + (b2*(-1))
        pr = b11/b31 * 100
    elif b2 < 0 and b3 >= 0 and b1 < 0:
        b21 = b2 + (b2*(-1))
        b31 = b3 + (b2*(-1))
        b11 = b1 + (b2*(-1))
        pr = b11/b31 * 100
    elif b2 >= 0 and b3 >= 0 and b1 >= 0:
        pr = b1/b3 * 100
    pr = round(pr, 1)
    if b2 < 0 and b3 < 0:
        b22 = b2 + (b2*(-1))
        b32 = b3 + (b2*(-1))
        b12 = b1 + (b2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, b32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, b12 , color='purple')
    elif b2 < 0 and b3 >= 0 and b1 >= 0:
        b22 = b2 + (b2*(-1))
        b32 = b3 + (b2*(-1))
        b12 = b1 + (b2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, b32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, b12 , color='purple')
    elif b2 < 0 and b3 >= 0 and b1 < 0:
        b22 = b2 + (b2*(-1))
        b32 = b3 + (b2*(-1))
        b12 = b1 + (b2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, b32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, b12 , color='purple')
    elif b2 >= 0 and b3 >= 0 and b1 >= 0:
        plt.bar(x_ind, b3, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, b1 , color='purple')

    plt.xticks(x_ind, [b1])
    plt.yticks(x_ind, [pr])
    plt.xlabel('Power Level 2, dBm')
    row += 1
    worksheet.write(row, 0, "Input Power Level 3")
    worksheet.write(row, 1, c1)
    worksheet.write(row, 2, "ALARM 3")
    worksheet.write(row, 3, '', col1)
    worksheet.write(row, 4, 'Min Limit')
    worksheet.write(row, 5, c2)
    worksheet.write(row, 6, 'Max Limit')
    worksheet.write(row, 7, c3)
    pr = 0
    if c2 < 0 and c3 < 0:
        c21 = c2 + (c2*(-1))
        c31 = c3 + (c2*(-1))
        c11 = c1 + (c2*(-1))
        pr = c11/c31 * 100
    elif c2 < 0 and c3 >= 0 and c1 >= 0:
        c21 = c2 + (c2*(-1))
        c31 = c3 + (c2*(-1))
        c11 = c1 + (c2*(-1))
        pr = c11/c31 * 100
    elif c2 < 0 and c3 >= 0 and c1 < 0:
        c21 = c2 + (c2*(-1))
        c31 = c3 + (c2*(-1))
        c11 = c1 + (c2*(-1))
        pr = c11/c31 * 100
    elif c2 >= 0 and c3 >= 0 and c1 >= 0:
        pr = c1/c3 * 100    
    pr = round(pr, 1)
    if c2 < 0 and c3 < 0:
        c22 = c2 + (c2*(-1))
        c32 = c3 + (c2*(-1))
        c12 = c1 + (c2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, c32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, c12 , color='purple')
    elif c2 < 0 and c3 >= 0 and c1 >= 0:
        c22 = c2 + (c2*(-1))
        c32 = c3 + (c2*(-1))
        c12 = c1 + (c2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, c32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, c12 , color='purple')
    elif c2 < 0 and c3 >= 0 and c1 < 0:
        c22 = c2 + (c2*(-1))
        c32 = c3 + (c2*(-1))
        c12 = c1 + (c2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, c32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, c12 , color='purple')
    elif c2 >= 0 and c3 >= 0 and c1 >= 0:
        plt.bar(x_ind, c3, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, c1 , color='purple')

    plt.xticks(x_ind, [c1])
    plt.yticks(x_ind, [pr])
    plt.xlabel('Power Level 3, dBm')
    row += 1
    worksheet.write(row, 0, "Input Power Level 4")
    worksheet.write(row, 1, d1)
    worksheet.write(row, 2, "ALARM 4")
    worksheet.write(row, 3, '', col2)
    worksheet.write(row, 4, 'Min Limit')
    worksheet.write(row, 5, d2)
    worksheet.write(row, 6, 'Max Limit')
    worksheet.write(row, 7, d3)
    pr = 0
    if d2 < 0 and d3 < 0:
        d21 = d2 + (d2*(-1))
        d31 = d3 + (d2*(-1))
        d11 = d1 + (d2*(-1))
        pr = d11/d31 * 100
    elif d2 < 0 and d3 >= 0 and d1 >= 0:
        d21 = d2 + (d2*(-1))
        d31 = d3 + (d2*(-1))
        d11 = d1 + (d2*(-1))
        pr = d11/d31 * 100
    elif d2 < 0 and d3 >= 0 and d1 < 0:
        d21 = d2 + (d2*(-1))
        d31 = d3 + (d2*(-1))
        d11 = d1 + (d2*(-1))
        pr = d11/d31 * 100
    elif d2 >= 0 and d3 >= 0 and d1 >= 0:
        pr = d1/d3 * 100    
    pr = round(pr, 1)
    if d2 < 0 and d3 < 0:
        d22 = d2 + (d2*(-1))
        d32 = d3 + (d2*(-1))
        d12 = d1 + (d2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, d32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, d12 , color='purple')
    elif d2 < 0 and d3 >= 0 and d1 >= 0:
        d22 = d2 + (d2*(-1))
        d32 = d3 + (d2*(-1))
        d12 = d1 + (d2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, d32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, d12 , color='purple')
    elif d2 < 0 and d3 >= 0 and d1 < 0:
        d22 = d2 + (d2*(-1))
        d32 = d3 + (d2*(-1))
        d12 = d1 + (d2*(-1))
        plt.bar(x_ind, d32, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, d12 , color='purple')
    elif d2 >= 0 and d3 >= 0 and d1 >= 0:
        plt.bar(x_ind, d3, color='white')
        plt.bar(x_ind, d1 , color='purple')

    plt.xticks(x_ind, [d1])
    plt.yticks(x_ind, [pr])
    plt.xlabel('Power Level 4, dBm')
    row += 2
    worksheet.insert_image(row, 0, 'Registers.png')
python xlsxwriter worksheet

问题在于程序正在使用同名文件覆盖“Registers.png”图像。 XlsxWriter 在文件/工作簿关闭之前不会读取图像,此时图像已被覆盖。


    # ...
    image_name = f"registers{i}.png"
    row += 2


  1. 应该可以将 matplotlib 图像写入内存缓冲区并将其添加到 XlsxWriter 文件中。
  2. 避免使用 matplotlib 并使用 Excel/XlsxWriter 图表来绘制数据。
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