在 Typescript 环境中在 Fabricjs v6 中取消分组的正确方法是什么?

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我找不到任何有关如何在 Typescript 环境中正确取消 Fabricjs v6 中的项目的信息。

据我所知,Group.toActiveSelection 不在 v6 中,我能得到的最接近的是这个:

const ungroupSelectedObject = () => { if (!fabricCanvasRef.current) return; const activeObject = fabricCanvasRef.current.getActiveObject(); if (activeObject && isGroup(activeObject)) { const items = activeObject.getObjects(); fabricCanvasRef.current.remove(activeObject); items.forEach((item) => { fabricCanvasRef.current?.add(item); }); // Optionally, select the ungrouped items const selection = new fabric.ActiveSelection(items, { canvas: fabricCanvasRef.current, }); fabricCanvasRef.current.setActiveObject(selection); fabricCanvasRef.current.renderAll(); setIsGroupSelected(false); setIsMultipleSelected(true); } };

node.js typescript fabricjs
以下是 v6 的正确分组/取消分组: 关键是.removeAll()

// Function to group selected objects const groupSelectedObjects = () => { if (!fabricCanvasRef.current) return; const objects = fabricCanvasRef.current.getActiveObjects(); if (objects.length > 1) { // Remove objects from canvas objects.forEach((obj) => fabricCanvasRef.current?.remove(obj)); // Create group const group = new fabric.Group(objects); fabricCanvasRef.current.add(group); fabricCanvasRef.current.requestRenderAll(); // Use requestRenderAll() in Fabric.js v6 } }; // Function to ungroup selected group const ungroupSelectedObject = () => { if (!fabricCanvasRef.current) return; const activeObject = fabricCanvasRef.current.getActiveObject() as fabric.Group; if (!activeObject) return; if (isGroup(activeObject)) { fabricCanvasRef.current.remove(activeObject); // Use removeAll() to get the items and add them back to the canvas const items = activeObject.removeAll(); fabricCanvasRef.current.add(...items); fabricCanvasRef.current.requestRenderAll(); // Use requestRenderAll() in Fabric.js v6 } };
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