MS Access VBA和要导出的宏

问题描述 投票:-1回答:1

我有一个MS Acccess 2013数据库,其中包含许多存储的查询和链接表到Excel电子表格。特别是我需要导出3个,我还需要创建备份。在我尝试自动化它时,我正在尝试使用VBA。



数据库位于\\Reports\Run\Data我希望第一个和第二个查询输出到\\Reports\Type1\\\Reports\Type1\[new sub-folder 1]我想第三个查询导出到\\Reports\Type2\and \\Reports\Type2\[new sub-folder 2]

其中一个链接的Excel电子表格(Table Name = Sheet1)有1个单字段和1个单个条目,即ReportDate。我希望[new sub-folder 1][new sub-folder 2]都是单日期条目。例如,如果2019-03-06是条目,则两个子文件夹都应称为“2019-03-06”。这些是我的备份和存储副本。





vba ms-access access-vba


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function ExportExcel()

  'Declare all variables

  Dim file As Object

  Dim filepath As String
  Dim fp_report1 As String
  Dim fp_report2 As String
  Dim fp_report1_date As String
  Dim fp_report2_date As String
  Dim data1 As String
  Dim data2 As String
  Dim data3 As String
  Dim fp_report1_data1 As String
  Dim fp_report1_data2 As String
  Dim fp_report2_data3 As String
  Dim fp_reportdate As String
  Dim reportdate_backup As String
  Dim reportdate As String

  Dim data1_run As String
  Dim data2_run As String
  Dim data3_run As String

  Dim myVar As Date

  'Get report date from the ReportDate linked table
  myVar = DLookup("ReportDate", "tbl_reportdate", "ReportDate")

  ' Get current path
  filepath = CurrentProject.Path

  'Destination for files for dashboard
  fp_report1 = Left(filepath, 87) & "\report1\"
  fp_report2 = Left(filepath, 87) & "\report2\"

  'Location for backup with the date as the folder name
  fp_report1_date = Left(filepath, 87) & "\report1\" & Format(myVar, "yyyy-mm-dd")
  fp_report2_date = Left(filepath, 87) & "\report2\" & Format(myVar, "yyyy-mm-dd")

  'Location of raw reports to backup and date file
  fp_report1_data1 = Left(filepath, 97) & "report1_data1.xls"
  fp_report1_data2 = Left(filepath, 97) & "report1_data2.xls"
  fp_report2_data3 = Left(filepath, 97) & "report2_data3.xls"
  fp_reportdate = Left(filepath, 97) & "ReportDate.xlsx"

  'If the folders for the backup doesn't exist, create it, otherwise, do nothing.
  If Dir(fp_report1_date, vbDirectory) = "" _
  Then MkDir (fp_report1_date) _
  Else _

  If Dir(fp_report2_date, vbDirectory) = "" _
  Then MkDir (fp_report2_date) _
  Else _

  'Exact path with file name for backup of processed data in the appropriate date folder
  data1 = fp_report1_date & "\" & "data1.xlsx"
  data2 = fp_report1_date & "\" & "data2.xlsx"
  data3 = fp_report2_date & "\" & "data3.xlsx"
  reportdate_backup = fp_report1_date & "\" & "ReportDate.xlsx"

  'Exact path with file name for dashboard to automatically pull
  data1_run = fp_report1 & "data1.xlsx"
  data2_run = fp_report1 & "data2.xlsx"
  data3_run = fp_report2 & "data3.xlsx"
  reportdate = fp_report1 & "ReportDate.xlsx"

  'Export queries into the date backup folder
  DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, "data1", data1
  DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, "data2", data2
  DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, "data3", data3

  'Copy the files from the date backup folder into the path to be used by the dashboard. This includes the raw data in the reports and all the processed reports
  FileCopy data1, data1_run
  FileCopy data2, data2_run
  FileCopy data3, data3_run
  FileCopy fp_report1_data1, fp_report1_date & "\" & "report1_data1.xls"
  FileCopy fp_report1_data2, fp_report1_date & "\" & "report1_data2.xls"
  FileCopy fp_report2_data3, fp_report2_date & "\" & "report2_data3.xls"
  FileCopy fp_reportdate, reportdate_backup
  FileCopy reportdate_backup, reportdate

End Function
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