在处理非常接近零的数字或其他边缘情况时,如何处理 C 中的浮点精度

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我用 C 编写了一个程序,根据给定的三个点计算三个点。所以我们给定点 A、B、C 并计算点 A'、B'、C'。现在这些点可以通过三种方式在 2D 平面上形成形状(ABA'C、ABCB' a AC'BC)。接下来,程序确定这些点形成的形状类型(正方形、菱形、矩形),或者这些点是否只输出平行四边形。这是运行程序时的示例:

Point A:
Point B:
Point C:
A': [1,7], square
B': [7,-1], parallelogram
C': [-7,1], parallelogram

这里有一张图片可以更好地理解: Visualization of the program


Point A:
Point B:
Point C:

My program outputs this:
Point A:
Point B:
Point C:
A': [-7.601444e-59,7.883869e-59], parallelogram
B': [7.601446e-59,-7.883735e-59], parallelogram
C': [8.176648e-59,7.883869e-59], square

//But it should output

Point A:
Point B:
Point C:
A': [-7.6014442e-59,7.8838689e-59], parallelogram
B': [7.6014458e-59,-7.8837351e-59], parallelogram
C': [8.176648e-59,7.8838689e-59], rhombus

这是 C: 中的整个程序

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>

// Struct for Point
typedef struct {
    double x;
    double y;
} Point;

// Struct for Vector
typedef struct {
    double u1;
    double u2;
} Vector;

// Function to compute area
double area(Vector v) {
    return sqrt((v.u1 * v.u1) + (v.u2 * v.u2));

// Function to check for a right angle
double rightAngle(Vector u, Vector v) {
    if (fabs((u.u1 * v.u1) + (u.u2 * v.u2)) < 100 * DBL_EPSILON * fabs(u.u1 * v.u1) + 0.000000001) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

// Function to read a coordinate
int readCoord(const char* prompt, Point* p) {
    char z1, z2, z3;
    printf("%s", prompt);
    if (scanf(" %c %lf %c %lf %c", &z1, &p->x, &z2, &p->y, &z3) != 5 || z1 != 91 || z2 != 44 || z3 != 93) {
        printf("Incorrect input.\n");
        return 0;
    return 1;

// Function to check if three points are parallel
int areTheyParallel(Point a, Point b, Point c) {
    if ((a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y) || (b.x == c.x && b.y == c.y) || (a.x == c.x && a.y == c.y)) {
        printf("Cannot create shapes.\n");
        return 1;

    double s1 = (b.y - a.y) / (b.x - a.x);
    double s2 = (c.y - b.y) / (c.x - b.x);

    if (fabs(s1 - s2) < 100 * DBL_EPSILON * s2) {
        printf("Cannot create shapes.\n");
        return 1;

    return 0;

// Function to determine and print the type of quadrilateral
void determineType(const char* point, Vector u, Vector v, Point p) {
    double size_u = area(u);
    double size_v = area(v);
    double isRightAngle = rightAngle(u, v);

    if (fabs(size_u - size_v) <= 100 * DBL_EPSILON * size_v && isRightAngle == 1) {

        printf("%s: [%.13g,%.13g], square\n", point, p.x, p.y);

    } else if (fabs(size_u - size_v) <= 100 * DBL_EPSILON * size_v && isRightAngle == 0) {

        printf("%s: [%.13g,%.13g], rhombus\n", point, p.x, p.y);

    } else if (fabs(size_u - size_v) >= 100 * DBL_EPSILON * size_v && isRightAngle == 1) {

        printf("%s: [%.13g,%.13g], rectangle\n", point, p.x, p.y);

    } else if (fabs(size_u - size_v) >= 100 * DBL_EPSILON * size_v && isRightAngle == 0) {

        printf("%s: [%.13g,%.13g], parallelogram\n", point, p.x, p.y);

Point computeNewPoint(Point base, Vector translation) {
    Point newPoint;
    newPoint.x = base.x + translation.u1;
    newPoint.y = base.y + translation.u2;
    return newPoint;

Vector computeVector(Point from, Point to) {
    Vector v;
    v.u1 = to.x - from.x;
    v.u2 = to.y - from.y;
    return v;

int main() {
    Point A, B, C, newA, newB, newC;
    Vector u, v;

    if (!readCoord("Point A:\n", &A)) return 1;
    if (!readCoord("Point B:\n", &B)) return 1;
    if (!readCoord("Point C:\n", &C)) return 1;

    if (areTheyParallel(A, B, C)) return 1;

    // A'
    u = computeVector(A, C);
    newA = computeNewPoint(B, u);

    u = computeVector(A, B);
    v = computeVector(A, C);
    determineType("A'", u, v, newA);

    // B'
    u = computeVector(B, A);
    newB = computeNewPoint(C, u);

    u = computeVector(C, B);
    v = computeVector(A, B);
    determineType("B'", u, v, newB);

    // C'
    u = computeVector(C, A);
    newC = computeNewPoint(B, u);

    u = computeVector(A, C);
    v = computeVector(B, C);
    determineType("C'", u, v, newC);

    return 0;



我定义了一个小的容差值(epsilon)来比较浮点数,而不是检查是否完全相等。例如,我将 epsilon 设置为 1e-10,允许程序考虑计算中的微小误差。但我仍然得到了错误的输出。


c math floating-point double precision

这些点可以通过三种方式在 2D 平面上形成形状


代码可能会使用浮点数学和类型。 然而浮点具有对数分布,而 OP 的几何形状确实需要线性(2D)分布。



调查有问题的 FP 点并形成量表。 然后舍入(通过

llround(x * scale)
)到大约 32 位值。 然后,各种


。 许多 area 测试可以替换为 area_sqaured 测试,从而不再需要

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