使用VBA DIctionary根据多个标准对具有相同ID的行进行求和

问题描述 投票:1回答:1


Sales Amount     Product       ID        Count
    100           apple      123ABC       1
    50            apple      456DEF       2
    50            apple      456DEF       2
    200           orange     456DEF       2
    200           orange     456DEF       2
    900           tomato     789GHI       1
    75            orange     999PPP       2
    25            apple      999PPP       2
    25            apple      999PPP       2

我需要做的是:对于count> 1的任何行,将所有共享ID但具有不同产品的行的销售额相加。然后我想在Sales Amount列中的现有值上写入和值。最终结果如下所示:

  Sales Amount   Product       ID        Count
    100           apple      123ABC       1
    250           apple      456DEF       2
    250           apple      456DEF       2
    250           orange     456DEF       2
    250           orange     456DEF       2
    900           tomato     789GHI       1
    100           orange     999PPP       2
    100           apple      999PPP       2
    100           apple      999PPP       2

棘手的部分是我只想每个Sales Amount使用product一次。所以例如ID 456DEF,我只想为苹果添加50,为橙添加200。我当前的代码(见下文)是对每个ID的Sales Amount列中的所有值求和。因此,假设相同的示例ID 456DEF,我的代码在每行输出500的Sales Amount作为ID(200 + 200 + 50 + 50)。


Sub WontWorkYet

Dim x, x2, y, y2()
Dim i As Long
Dim dict As Object
Dim LastRowForDict As Long, LastRowResult As Long, shtSource As      Worksheet, shtResult As Worksheet
Dim p As Long

Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")

With ws

    LastRowForDict = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

For p = 1 To LastRowForDict

    If ws.Cells(p, 4) > 1 Then               'checks if count column for unique products is >1

    x = .Range("C1:C" & LastRowForDict).Value
    x2 = .Range("A1:A" & LastRowForDict).Value

        'If key exists already ADD new value (SUM them)

If Not dict.exists(x(p, 1)) Then
    dict.Item(x(p, 1)) = x2(p, 1)
   dict.Item(x(p, 1)) = CDbl(dict.Item(x(p, 1))) + CDbl(x2(p, 1))
End If

End If
Next p

End With

'map the values
  With ws
    LastRowResult = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    y = .Range("C2:C" & LastRowResult).Value    'looks up to this range
  y2 = .Range("A2:A" & LastRowForDict).Value   'Sizes the output array without a Re-Dim which allows existing values to not be wiped out in column CL

    For i = 1 To UBound(y, 1)
        If dict.exists(y(i, 1)) Then
            y2(i, 1) = dict(y(i, 1))

        End If
    Next i
    .Range("A2:A" & LastRowResult).Value = y2  '<< place the output on the sheet
End With

End Sub

我的想法是可能将IDProduct连接起来,然后删除这一行,它总结了现有的密钥:dict.Item(x(p, 1)) = CDbl(dict.Item(x(p, 1))) + CDbl(x2(p, 1))。这会将值正确地存储(我相信)在字典中,但后来我试图找到一种方法来完成整个过程,方法是将每个ID的存储量相加并将它们正确地写入工作表。



excel excel-vba dictionary vba




  1. 将所有数据粘贴到sheet2中,选择整个范围,然后单击“数据”>“删除重复项”>“确定”


Sales Amount    Product ID  Count
100    apple    123ABC      1
50     apple    456DEF      2
200    orange   456DEF      2
900    tomato   789GHI      1
75     orange   999PPP      2
25     apple    999PPP      2
  1. 现在回到你的第一张桌子,在A2放置以下公式并向下拖动: = SUMIF(!Sheet2的C:C,Sheet 1中C2,Sheet2的一个:!A)

Et voila,视需要而定。所有这一切都来自简单快速的SUMIF配方。

Sales Amount    Product ID  Count
100     apple   123ABC      1
250     apple   456DEF      2
250     apple   456DEF      2
250     orange  456DEF      2
250     orange  456DEF      2
900     tomato  789GHI      1
100     orange  999PPP      2
100     apple   999PPP      2
100     apple   999PPP      2


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