在执行拖放操作时,我想在状态栏中显示一些关于特定放置操作的预期效果的额外提示。 为此,我重写了 DragMoveEvent(),它非常适合鼠标移动事件。
但是,键盘信号仅在 Qt 内部的某处进行评估(以切换建议的放置操作),但在运行拖放操作期间不会暴露。
我尝试重写 mousePress/ReleaseEvent()、event() 并安装 eventFilter()。
以下实验似乎有效。至少对于哑剧数据来说, 由一个 url 列表组成。使用 Qt 5.15.8 在 Debian 12 上进行测试。
// A class, that accepts drops of dragged data.
class IListView ...
// Redefined virtual method to receive the drop event from Qt.
void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) override;
// A signal sending the event data from the drop event.
void dir_dropped(QDropEvent *event);
private slots:
// A slot, that receives the event data from the signal.
void dir_drop(QDropEvent *event);
// The constructor.
// Connect signal and slot and request it to be queued.
// The queued signal will be picked up when control returns to the
// event loop. Normally this is used to transfer signals between threads.
// Here we use it to complete the drop event before actually
// processing it.
connect(this, &IListView::dir_dropped, this, &IListView::dir_drop,
// The overridden method to receive the drop event from Qt.
void IListView::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
// Apparently, keyboard events can't be received here.
// Do a deep copy of the event and send that over a queued connection.
QDropEvent *copied_event = new QDropEvent(*event);
emit dir_dropped(copied_event);
// On return from this method, the received event appears to be deleted.
// Hence the deep copy.
// Also it seems, that the block on keyboard events is removed.
// The slot, that receives the event data from the signal.
void IListView::dir_drop(QDropEvent *event)
// Process the event, ask back to the user when needed.
// (For example: Overwrite existing file? yes/no/yestoall/notoall).
// Keyboard events can be received here as usual.
// Finally delete the copied event.
delete event;