每当我的 bot dm 命令时,我都会尝试发送一个描述错误的嵌入,但它只是直接出现错误,而不发送嵌入。
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError(Forbidden)):
emb = Embed(title="Error : Forbidden",
description="Couldn't use the command, probably because you tried to DM someone with their DM's off",
await ctx.send(embed=emb)
对于我的 dm 命令:
@client.tree.command(name="dm", description="DM's someone!", guild=GUILD_ID)
async def dm(interaction: discord.Interaction, user: discord.Member, message: str):
em = Embed(title=f"Here's a message from {interaction.user.display_name}!",
em.set_footer(text='Answer them by using /dm !')
await user.send(embed=em)
await interaction.response.send_message("DM sent!")
我正在使用discord.py最新更新和python 3.10.8
您的应用程序(斜杠)命令需要错误处理程序吗? 这些在 CommandTree 上处理。您可以使用装饰器设置一个或将其子类化(推荐)。
from discord import app_commands, Interaction
bot = commands.Bot(...)
# Bot has a built-in tree
# but this is the same for a CommandTree you define.
tree = bot.tree
# can't find your tree? -> ?tag definetree
# this will function as a global error handler for app commands
# this is NOT an event, it only works because of that ^ decorator
async def tree_on_error(
interaction: Interaction,
error: app_commands.AppCommandError
error = getattr(error, 'original', error)
if isinstance(error, discord.Forbidden):
emb = Embed(
title="Error : Forbidden",
description="Couldn't use the command, probably because you tried to DM someone with their DM's off",
await ctx.send(embed=emb)
?tag treeerrorcog
?tag app_command_error