我最麻烦的部分是(1)如何正确创建构造函数? (2)如何正确创建setHomework等方法,这些方法接受参数,将它们与方法中的多个条件进行比较,并将它们分配给数组元素?
public class Student{
private String name;
private String sid;
private double homework = NUM_HOMEWORK; //reference variable
private double quizzes = NUM_QUIZZES; //reference variable
private double exams = NUM_EXAMS; //reference variable
final static int NUM_HOMEWORK = 4;
final static int NUM_QUIZZES = 4;
final static int NUM_EXAMS = 2;
final static double HOMEWORK_MAX_POINTS = 5;
final static double QUIZ_MAX_POINTS = 20;
final static double MIDTERM_MAX_POINTS = 40;
final static double FINAL_MAX_POINTS = 60;
/*1st constructor. No-arg constructor. Sets object’s name variable to default value “Newstudent, A.” and object’s sid var to default of “0000000”. Also allocates 3 arrays; homework with length of NUM_HOMEWORK, quizzes with length of NUM_QUIZZES, and exams with length of NUM_EXAMS.*/
name = "Newstudent, A";
sid = "0000000";
int[] homework = new int[NUM_HOMEWORK];
int[] quizzes = new int[NUM_QUIZZES];
int[] exams = new int[NUM_EXAMS];
/*2nd constructor. Takes 1 string arg and stores it in parameter newName. Param represents the name of a new Student object. Constructor sets object’s name var to the given newName and object’s sid var to default value of “0000000”. Also allocates same three arrays as first constructor.*/
Student(String newName) {
name = newName;
sid = "0000000";
int[] homework = new int[NUM_HOMEWORK];
int[] quizzes = new int[NUM_QUIZZES];
int[] exams = new int[NUM_EXAMS];
/*3rd constructor. Takes 2 string args and stores them in string params newName and newSid. Params represent the name and sid of a new Student object. Constructor sets object’s name var to the given newName and object’s sid var to the given newSid. Also allocates same three arrays as first constructor*/
Student(String newName, newSid){
name = newName;
newSid = "0000000";
int[] homework = new int[NUM_HOMEWORK];
int[] quizzes = new int[NUM_QUIZZES];
int[] exams = new int[NUM_EXAMS];
/*Method takes string arg and stores it in string newName. Sets object’s name variable to newName. Returns void.*/
public static void setName(String newName){
name = newName;
public static getName(){//Takes no args. Returns value of the object’s name variable.
return String name;
/*Takes 1 String arg and stores it in string param newSid. Sets object’s sid var to the given newSid. Returns void.*/
public static void setSid(String newSid){
sid = newSid;
/*Takes an int arg and stores it in int param homeworkNumber, and a double arg and stores it in double param score. Method checks if homeworkNumber is a # between 1 and NUM_HOMEWORK and if score is a # between 0 and HOMEWORK_MAX_POINTS. If both those conditions are true it assigns the corresponding element of the homework array the value of score. Example: if homeworkNumber is 1 and score is 5 the element homework[0] is assigned value of 5. Returns void.*/
public static void setHomework(int homeworkNumber, double score){
if(homeworkNumber > 1 && homeworkNumber < NUM_HOMEWORK && score > 0 && score < HOMEWORK_MAX_POINTS)
then score = homework;
/*Takes one int arg and stores it in a param homeworkNumber. Method returns one of the values in the object’s homework array. Method checks if homeworkNumber is # between 1 and NUM_HOMEWORK, and if this condition is true, method returns the double value at index homeworkNumber – 1 in the homework array. Otherwise, method returns 0. Method returns double.*/
public static getHomework(int homeworkNumber){
if(homeworkNumber > 1 && homeworkNumber < NUM_HOMEWORK)
then return homeworkNumber – 1;
else return 0;
/*Method takes an int param named quizNumberand and a double param named score. Method checks if quizNumber is a between 1 and NUM_QUIZZES and if score is between 0 and QUIZ_MAX_POINTS. If both conditions are true assigns the corresponding element of the quizzes array the value of score. Example: if quizNumber is 1 and score is 18 the element quiz[0] is assigned 18. Method returns void.*/
public static void setQuiz(int quizNumber, double score){
if (quizNumber > 1 && quizNumber < NUM_QUIZZES && score > 0 && score < QUIZ_MAX_POINTS)
quizzes = score;
/*Takes one int arg and stores it in param quizNumber. Returns one of the values in the object’s quizzes array. Method checks if quizNumber is between 1 and NUM_QUIZZES and if true returns the value at index quizNumber – 1 in the quizzes array. Otherwise, method returns 0. Method returns double.*/
public static getQuiz(int quizNumber){
if(quizNumber > 1 && quizNumber < NUM_QUIZZES)
return double quizNumber[] – 1
else return 0;
/*Takes one double args, stores it in param score. Checks if score is between 0 and MIDTERM_MAX_POINTS and if true, assign the element exams[0] the value of score. Returns void.*/
public static void setMidtermExam(double score){
if(score > 0 && score < MIDTERM_MAX_POINTS)
score = exams[0];
public static getMidtermExam(){//Takes no args. Return double value of exams[0].
return exams[0];
/*Takes one double arg, stores in in param score. Checks if score is between 0 and FINAL_MAX_POINTS and iff true assigns exams[1] the value of score. Method returns void.*/
public static void setFinalExam(double score){
if (score > 0 && score < FINAL_MAX_POINTS)
score = exams[1];
public static getFinalExam(){ //Takes no args. Returns double value of exams[1].
return exams[1];
/*Takes no args. Returns a String which the student object’s name, sid, homework scores, quiz scores and exam scores are concatenated.*/
public static toString(){
return "Student total information. " + name + ", " + sid + ", homework: " + homework + ", quizzes: " + quizzes + ", exams: " + exams;
public Student(String newName, String newSid){... }
public static void setHomework(int homeworkNumber, double score) {
if (homeworkNumber > 1 && homeworkNumber < NUM_HOMEWORK && score > 0 && score < HOMEWORK_MAX_POINTS) {
homework[homeworkNumber - 1] = score;
private double[] homework;