
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


MyStaticClass.MyStaticProperty = "foo";
Task.Run(() => 
   // Assume this runs for 10 minutes...
   // MyStaticClass.MyStaticProperty should continue to be "foo"
   // because that's what it was when the task started

MyStaticClass.MyStaticProperty = "bar";
// Even though this executes milliseconds after the task starts,
// the value of this property inside the task should remain "foo"


更新:我不能只制作该值的本地副本,因为任务中的代码可能会调用其他代码,而其他代码又调用其他代码,等等。并且被调用的代码将不知道该值的本地副本变量。删除 X 级别的代码只会无知地调用


c# multithreading asynchronous


的解决方案。文档中的 示例很好地解释了这一点。

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Example
    static AsyncLocal<string> _asyncLocalString = new AsyncLocal<string>();

    static ThreadLocal<string> _threadLocalString = new ThreadLocal<string>();

    static async Task AsyncMethodA()
        // Start multiple async method calls, with different AsyncLocal values.
        // We also set ThreadLocal values, to demonstrate how the two mechanisms differ.
        _asyncLocalString.Value = "Value 1";
        _threadLocalString.Value = "Value 1";
        var t1 = AsyncMethodB("Value 1");

        _asyncLocalString.Value = "Value 2";
        _threadLocalString.Value = "Value 2";
        var t2 = AsyncMethodB("Value 2");

        // Await both calls
        await t1;
        await t2;

    static async Task AsyncMethodB(string expectedValue)
        Console.WriteLine("Entering AsyncMethodB.");
        Console.WriteLine("   Expected '{0}', AsyncLocal value is '{1}', ThreadLocal value is '{2}'", 
                          expectedValue, _asyncLocalString.Value, _threadLocalString.Value);
        await Task.Delay(100);
        Console.WriteLine("Exiting AsyncMethodB.");
        Console.WriteLine("   Expected '{0}', got '{1}', ThreadLocal value is '{2}'", 
                          expectedValue, _asyncLocalString.Value, _threadLocalString.Value);

    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        await AsyncMethodA();
// The example displays the following output:
//   Entering AsyncMethodB.
//      Expected 'Value 1', AsyncLocal value is 'Value 1', ThreadLocal value is 'Value 1'
//   Entering AsyncMethodB.
//      Expected 'Value 2', AsyncLocal value is 'Value 2', ThreadLocal value is 'Value 2'
//   Exiting AsyncMethodB.
//      Expected 'Value 2', got 'Value 2', ThreadLocal value is ''
//   Exiting AsyncMethodB.
//      Expected 'Value 1', got 'Value 1', ThreadLocal value is ''
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