
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


结构是这样的: 堆栈上有 1 个数组,包含 2 个指向 int 数组的指针。这 2 个 int 数组位于堆上。程序检查第一个数组中是否有空空间,如果没有,则将先前存在的元素复制到第二个数组>删除第一个>创建第一个大小大1的元素>将元素复制回来>然后添加最后一个元素。

问题在于添加新元素。错误提示“写入 arr[0] 时缓冲区溢出”。

为什么最后一个元素不在数组边界内? (也在我的代码中,我将 element = 0 视为空。)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "We are trying to create Vector like mechanism.\n \n" << endl;

    int* arr[2]{ nullptr };  // declared an array which contains ptrs
    arr[0] = new int[3] {};  // making 1st array on heap

    for (int i{1}; i > 0; i++) {
        char c1;             // choice 1
        cout << "Do you want to add elements : "; cin >> c1;

        if (c1 == 'y' || c1 == 'Y') {
            int e;                                 // element to be entered
            bool a{false};                         // this is a checkbox that the element is succesfully entered or not
            int n = sizeof(arr[0]) / sizeof(int);  // num of elements in arr[0]
            for (int j{}; j < n; j++) {
                if ((arr[0])[j] == 0) {            // to check wether the arrays have vacancy or not
                    cout << "Enter the element to be entered : "; cin >> e;
                    (arr[0])[j] = e;
                    a = true;
            if (a == false) {
                // copy 1 to 2 -> delete 1 > create new at 1 > copy 2 to 1 > add new element to 1 > delete 2
                arr[1] = new int[n];             // creating 2nd array
                for (int k{}; k < n; k++) {      // copying the elements
                    (arr[1])[k] = (arr[0])[k];
                delete[] arr[0];                 // deleting 1st
                arr[0] = new int[n + 1] {};      // recreating 1st
                for (int l{}; l < n; l++) {      // copying elements back to 1st
                    (arr[0])[l] = (arr[1])[l];

                for (int t{}; t < n + 1; t++) {
                    cout << (arr[0])[t] << "  ";
                delete[] arr[1];                 // deleting 2nd array

                cout << "Enter the element to be entered : "; cin >> e;
                (arr[0])[n + 1] = e;             // inputing the new element
                a = true;
        else if (c1 == 'n' || c1 == 'N') {
            cout << "OK, no new element was entered." << endl;
        else {
            cout << "Enter a valid choice. ie.( Y/y for YES and N/n for NO)" << endl;

    delete[] arr[0]; delete[] arr[1];

c++ arrays dynamic-memory-allocation



Arthur O'Dwyer 在 CppCon 2019 的精彩演讲中解释了您需要了解的所有内容,并提供了“自己动手”向量类的源代码:回到基础知识:RAII 和零规则.

令我印象深刻的是,相对较新的 C++ 程序员有兴趣了解动态分配的数组。诚然,这是一个有点高级的话题。此外,在生产代码中,您不应该重新发明轮子。


也就是说,学习它是如何完成的是值得的。迟早,所有 C++ 程序员都会尝试这一点。

OP中的代码与O'Dwyer教授的内容相去甚远,我没有尝试“纠正”它。此外,我不会展示如何使用 RAII 类来完成此操作,这是 O'Dwyer 演讲的主题。相反,我尝试坚持使用 OP 已经理解的功能类型。



// main.cpp
#include <algorithm>  // copy, equal, min, swap
#include <cstddef>    // size_t
#include <iostream>   // cin, cout

struct my_vec
    int* data{ nullptr };
    std::size_t size{};
my_vec my_vec_construct(std::size_t const n)
    // Analogous to "constructor" function of a class.
    my_vec v;
    v.data = new int[n] {};  // could throw `std::bad_alloc`
    v.size = n;
    return v;
void my_vec_destruct(my_vec& v)
    // Analogous to "destructor" function of a class.
    delete[] v.data;
    v.data = nullptr;
    v.size = 0u;
my_vec my_vec_clone(my_vec const& source)
    // Return a "deep" copy of the argument `source`.
    // Analogous to "copy constructor" function of a class.
    my_vec target{ my_vec_construct(source.size) };

    // Use the Standard Library function `std::copy`, to copy the elements.
    // It has three arguments:
    //   1. pointer to beginning of source data
    //   2. pointer to "one-beyond-the-last" source data
    //   3. pointer to target
    // These pointers can also be "iterators," but that's another subject.
    std::copy(source.data, source.data + source.size, target.data);
    return target;
void swap(my_vec& a, my_vec& b) noexcept
    using std::swap;
    swap(a.data, b.data);
    swap(a.size, b.size);
void my_vec_assign(my_vec const& source, my_vec& target)
    // Use the "copy-and-swap" idiom to assign a copy of argument `source`
    // to the second argument `target`.
    // Analogous to "copy-assignement" operator of a class.
    // Note: the "cloning" operation could throw `std::bad_alloc`.
    // When it does, we leave `target` unalterred.
    my_vec tmp{ my_vec_clone(source) };
    swap(tmp, target);
    my_vec_destruct(tmp);  // avoid memory leaks!
void my_vec_resize(my_vec& v, std::size_t const new_size)
    // Analogous to "resize" function of class `std::vector`.

    // It is possible that the allocation will fail. That is why 
    // we attempt the allocation first, before doing anything else.
    // If it fails, we leave the original vector unalterred.
    // When operator `new` fails, it will throw a `std::bad_alloc`.
    // That will interrupt this function, and probably cause the 
    // program to abort. Otherwise, when the allocation works, we 
    // continue execution below, where data elements are copied.
    auto p{ new int[new_size] {} };  // elements are initialized to 0.

    // Allocation succeeded. Copy the elements.
    // We use `std::min`, in case the `new_size` is smaller
    // than the old size.
    std::size_t size_to_copy{ std::min(v.size, new_size) };
    std::copy(v.data, v.data + size_to_copy, p);

    // Important: avoid memory leaks. Delete the existing array.
    // Be sure to use the array form of operator `delete`.
    delete[] v.data;

    // Now, you can set `v.data` to point to the new array.
    v.data = p;
    p = nullptr;  // optional, `p` is a "local" variable that will be discarded anyway.

    // Don't forget to update the size.
    v.size = new_size;
void my_vec_grow(my_vec& v) {
    // Double the size of v.
    std::size_t new_size{ v.size == 0u ? 2u : v.size + v.size };
    my_vec_resize(v, new_size);
bool my_vec_empty(my_vec const& v) noexcept {
    return v.size == 0u;
bool operator==(my_vec const& a, my_vec const& b) noexcept {
    // `std::equal` has the same three arguments as `std::copy`.
    return a.size == b.size
        && std::equal(a.data, a.data + a.size, b.data);
bool operator!=(my_vec const& a, my_vec const& b) noexcept {
    return !(a == b);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ost, my_vec const& v)
    if (!my_vec_empty(v)) {
        ost << v.data[0u];
        for (std::size_t i{ 1u }; i < v.size; ++i) {
            ost << ',' << v.data[i];
    return ost;
int main()
    // Constructor sets all elements to 0.
    my_vec a{ my_vec_construct(2) };
    std::cout << "Post construction - a: " << a << "\n\n";

    // Assign a couple of values
    a.data[0] = 7;
    a.data[1] = 11;
    std::cout << "Post assignment - a: " << a << "\n\n";

    // Try cloning.
    auto b{ my_vec_clone(a) };
    std::cout << "Clone - b: " << b << "\n\n";

    // Resize b.
    my_vec_resize(b, 4);
    std::cout << "Post resize - b: " << b << "\n\n";

    // Check whether a == b.
    std::cout << "Check equality (a == b): " << a << (a == b ? " == " : " != ") << b << "\n\n";

    // Try assignment (a is target)
    my_vec_assign(b, a);
    std::cout << "Post assignment (a = b) - a: " << a << "\n\n";

    // Check whether a == b.
    std::cout << "Check equality (a == b): " << a << (a == b ? " == " : " != ") << b << "\n\n";

    // IMPORTANT: Don't leak memory.
    std::cout << "Post destruct - a: " << a << ", b: " << b << "\n\n";
    return 0;
// end file: main.cpp


Post construction - a: [0,0]

Post assignment - a: [7,11]

Clone - b: [7,11]

Post resize - b: [7,11,0,0]

Check equality (a == b): [7,11] != [7,11,0,0]

Post assignment (a = b) - a: [7,11,0,0]

Check equality (a == b): [7,11,0,0] == [7,11,0,0]

Post destruct - a: [], b: []
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