如何将徽标从第 3 行开始放置在 C 列中?
Sub etiket()
Dim i As Long, st1 As Byte, st2 As Byte, st3 As Byte
Dim st4 As Byte
Dim yol As String
yol = "C:\Users\pc\Desktop\labelexample\logo.jpg"
Range("A3:A" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
st1 = 1: st2 = 2: st3 = 3: st4 = 4
With Sheets("veri")
sat = 3
For i = 5 To .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
**Cells(sat, "C") = Set MyPict = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(yol)** ' this is error line
Cells(sat, "E") = .Range("A4")
sat = sat + 1
Cells(sat, "E") = .Cells(i, st1)
sat = sat + 4
Cells(sat, "C") = .Range("B4")
Cells(sat, "D") = .Range("C4")
Cells(sat, "E") = .Range("D4")
sat = sat + 1
Cells(sat, "C") = .Cells(i, st2)
' sat = sat + 1
Cells(sat, "D") = .Cells(i, st3)
' sat = sat + 1
Cells(sat, "E") = .Cells(i, st4)
sat = sat + 4
Next i
End With
End Sub
Sub etiket()
Dim i As Long, st1 As Byte, st2 As Byte, st3 As Byte
Dim st4 As Byte
Dim yol As String
yol = "C:\Users\pc\Desktop\labelexample\logo.jpg"
Range("A3:A" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
st1 = 1: st2 = 2: st3 = 3: st4 = 4
With Sheets("veri")
sat = 3
For i = 5 To .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(yol).select ' this is error line
Selection.ShapeRange.Top = Cells(sat, "C").Top
Selection.ShapeRange.Left = Cells(sat, "C").Left
Cells(sat, "E") = .Range("A4")
sat = sat + 1
Cells(sat, "E") = .Cells(i, st1)
sat = sat + 4
Cells(sat, "C") = .Range("B4")
Cells(sat, "D") = .Range("C4")
Cells(sat, "E") = .Range("D4")
sat = sat + 1
Cells(sat, "C") = .Cells(i, st2)
' sat = sat + 1
Cells(sat, "D") = .Cells(i, st3)
' sat = sat + 1
Cells(sat, "E") = .Cells(i, st4)
sat = sat + 4
Next i
End With
End Sub
ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(yol).select ' this is error line
Selection.ShapeRange.Top = Cells(sat, "C").Top + 5
Selection.ShapeRange.Left = Cells(sat, "C").Left + 5