python 错误 - 只能加入可迭代对象

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在 pygame 中制作一个程序,我正在尝试创建用户可以输入名字的按钮。因此,基本上,当他们单击该字母时,就会将该字母放入列表中。我使用与游戏中相同的变量重新创建,并得到了相同的错误。所以如果我们能解决这个问题,那么我就能解决我的游戏问题。我正在使用函数,因此这就是为什么您会看到需要的全局事物。这是代码。顺便说一句,我看过其他论坛,但没有一个与我的论坛相同。

import glob
def bob():
    global unknown



2024.8.17 速度范围:1.8 - 3.7


班级奖励: def init(自身): self.first_racingpoint_index = 0

def reward_function(self, params):

    ################## HELPER FUNCTIONS ###################

    def dist_2_points(x1, x2, y1, y2):
        return abs(abs(x1-x2)**2 + abs(y1-y2)**2)**0.5

    def closest_2_racing_points_index(racing_coords, car_coords):

        # Calculate all distances to racing points
        distances = []
        for i in range(len(racing_coords)):
            distance = dist_2_points(x1=racing_coords[i][0], x2=car_coords[0],
                                     y1=racing_coords[i][1], y2=car_coords[1])

        # Get index of the closest racing point
        closest_index = distances.index(min(distances))

        # Get index of the second closest racing point
        distances_no_closest = distances.copy()
        distances_no_closest[closest_index] = 999
        second_closest_index = distances_no_closest.index(

        return [closest_index, second_closest_index]

    def dist_to_racing_line(closest_coords, second_closest_coords, car_coords):

        # Calculate the distances between 2 closest racing points
        a = abs(dist_2_points(x1=closest_coords[0],

        # Distances between car and closest and second closest racing point
        b = abs(dist_2_points(x1=car_coords[0],
        c = abs(dist_2_points(x1=car_coords[0],

        # Calculate distance between car and racing line (goes through 2 closest racing points)
        # try-except in case a=0 (rare bug in DeepRacer)
            distance = abs(-(a**4) + 2*(a**2)*(b**2) + 2*(a**2)*(c**2) -
                           (b**4) + 2*(b**2)*(c**2) - (c**4))**0.5 / (2*a)
            distance = b

        return distance

    # Calculate which one of the closest racing points is the next one and which one the previous one
    def next_prev_racing_point(closest_coords, second_closest_coords, car_coords, heading):

        # Virtually set the car more into the heading direction
        heading_vector = [math.cos(math.radians(
            heading)), math.sin(math.radians(heading))]
        new_car_coords = [car_coords[0]+heading_vector[0],

        # Calculate distance from new car coords to 2 closest racing points
        distance_closest_coords_new = dist_2_points(x1=new_car_coords[0],
        distance_second_closest_coords_new = dist_2_points(x1=new_car_coords[0],

        if distance_closest_coords_new <= distance_second_closest_coords_new:
            next_point_coords = closest_coords
            prev_point_coords = second_closest_coords
            next_point_coords = second_closest_coords
            prev_point_coords = closest_coords

        return [next_point_coords, prev_point_coords]

    def racing_direction_diff(closest_coords, second_closest_coords, car_coords, heading):

        # Calculate the direction of the center line based on the closest waypoints
        next_point, prev_point = next_prev_racing_point(closest_coords,

        # Calculate the direction in radius, arctan2(dy, dx), the result is (-pi, pi) in radians
        track_direction = math.atan2(
            next_point[1] - prev_point[1], next_point[0] - prev_point[0])

        # Convert to degree
        track_direction = math.degrees(track_direction)

        # Calculate the difference between the track direction and the heading direction of the car
        direction_diff = abs(track_direction - heading)
        if direction_diff > 180:
            direction_diff = 360 - direction_diff

        return direction_diff

    #################### RACING LINE ######################

    # Optimal racing line for the Spain track
    # Each row: [x,y,speed,timeFromPreviousPoint]
    racing_track =[[0.26173, 0.85888, 3.7, 0.06009],
                    [0.12154, 1.01586, 3.7, 0.05688],
                    [-0.01507, 1.16866, 3.7, 0.0554],
                    [-0.17352, 1.34589, 3.7, 0.06425],
                    [-0.34585, 1.539, 3.7, 0.06995],
                    [-0.52762, 1.74302, 3.7, 0.07385],
                    [-0.7163, 1.95518, 3.7, 0.07673],
                    [-0.91031, 2.17369, 3.7, 0.07898],
                    [-1.1072, 2.3957, 3.7, 0.0802],
                    [-1.30845, 2.62008, 3.4, 0.08865],
                    [-1.5142, 2.83779, 3.0, 0.09985],
                    [-1.7265, 3.04201, 2.6, 0.1133],
                    [-1.94653, 3.22611, 2.3, 0.12473],
                    [-2.1742, 3.38394, 2.0, 0.13851],
                    [-2.40831, 3.50819, 2.0, 0.13252],
                    [-2.64579, 3.5918, 2.0, 0.12588],
                    [-2.88146, 3.62836, 2.0, 0.11925],
                    [-3.10766, 3.61202, 2.0, 0.1134],
                    [-3.31311, 3.53708, 2.0, 0.10934],
                    [-3.47757, 3.39755, 2.2, 0.09803],
                    [-3.59553, 3.21443, 2.4, 0.09076],
                    [-3.6664, 3.00309, 2.7, 0.08256],
                    [-3.69308, 2.77542, 3.0, 0.07641],
                    [-3.6791, 2.54, 3.3, 0.07146],
                    [-3.63029, 2.30328, 3.4, 0.07109],
                    [-3.5541, 2.06907, 2.7, 0.09122],
                    [-3.45872, 1.83859, 2.7, 0.09238],
                    [-3.35184, 1.61122, 2.7, 0.09305],
                    [-3.24632, 1.39949, 2.7, 0.08761],
                    [-3.15595, 1.18389, 2.7, 0.08658],
                    [-3.09591, 0.96018, 2.7, 0.08579],
                    [-3.08414, 0.72312, 3.4, 0.06981],
                    [-3.10649, 0.47685, 3.7, 0.06683],
                    [-3.15781, 0.22296, 3.7, 0.07001],
                    [-3.23295, -0.03736, 3.7, 0.07323],
                    [-3.32688, -0.30452, 3.7, 0.07654],
                    [-3.4347, -0.58199, 3.7, 0.08046],
                    [-3.53443, -0.86691, 3.7, 0.08158],
                    [-3.62075, -1.15446, 3.6, 0.0834],
                    [-3.68998, -1.4436, 3.3, 0.09009],
                    [-3.73875, -1.73254, 2.9, 0.10104],
                    [-3.76423, -2.01885, 2.6, 0.11056],
                    [-3.76188, -2.2989, 2.3, 0.12176],
                    [-3.72864, -2.56791, 2.1, 0.12907],
                    [-3.6623, -2.81991, 1.8, 0.14477],
                    [-3.56181, -3.04775, 1.8, 0.13834],
                    [-3.42761, -3.24299, 1.8, 0.13162],
                    [-3.26178, -3.39488, 1.8, 0.12493],
                    [-3.07042, -3.49211, 1.8, 0.11924],
                    [-2.86382, -3.52042, 1.8, 0.11585],
                    [-2.66298, -3.45958, 2.2, 0.09539],
                    [-2.4823, -3.33762, 2.5, 0.0872],
                    [-2.32769, -3.166, 2.8, 0.0825],
                    [-2.20313, -2.95308, 3.2, 0.07709],
                    [-2.10957, -2.70793, 3.1, 0.08464],
                    [-2.04284, -2.44083, 2.7, 0.10197],
                    [-1.99508, -2.16083, 2.4, 0.11835],
                    [-1.92823, -1.88565, 2.1, 0.13485],
                    [-1.83753, -1.6302, 1.9, 0.14267],
                    [-1.71996, -1.40232, 1.9, 0.13496],
                    [-1.57493, -1.21021, 1.9, 0.12669],
                    [-1.40488, -1.06126, 1.9, 0.11898],
                    [-1.21418, -0.96411, 1.9, 0.11264],
                    [-1.01044, -0.93107, 1.9, 0.10863],
                    [-0.81019, -0.9778, 2.1, 0.09792],
                    [-0.62944, -1.08769, 2.3, 0.09197],
                    [-0.4761, -1.24794, 2.6, 0.0853],
                    [-0.35501, -1.44931, 2.9, 0.08103],
                    [-0.26811, -1.68301, 2.7, 0.09235],
                    [-0.21467, -1.94077, 2.2, 0.11966],
                    [-0.18944, -2.21432, 1.9, 0.14459],
                    [-0.18806, -2.49836, 1.9, 0.1495],
                    [-0.20128, -2.7572, 1.9, 0.13641],
                    [-0.18777, -3.00014, 1.9, 0.12806],
                    [-0.13008, -3.21329, 1.9, 0.11622],
                    [-0.02252, -3.38556, 1.9, 0.10689],
                    [0.13633, -3.5014, 2.1, 0.09362],
                    [0.32742, -3.56853, 2.4, 0.08439],
                    [0.54172, -3.5901, 2.8, 0.07692],
                    [0.77234, -3.57055, 3.4, 0.06807],
                    [1.01401, -3.51545, 3.7, 0.06699],
                    [1.26575, -3.48541, 3.7, 0.06852],
                    [1.51701, -3.47891, 3.1, 0.08108],
                    [1.76764, -3.49315, 2.8, 0.08965],
                    [2.01753, -3.52589, 2.4, 0.10501],
                    [2.26657, -3.57625, 2.2, 0.11549],
                    [2.51404, -3.64552, 1.9, 0.13525],
                    [2.75878, -3.68403, 1.9, 0.13039],
                    [2.98982, -3.68311, 1.9, 0.1216],
                    [3.20159, -3.64024, 1.9, 0.11372],
                    [3.3882, -3.55367, 1.9, 0.10827],
                    [3.54012, -3.41996, 1.9, 0.10651],
                    [3.63686, -3.23389, 2.2, 0.09532],
                    [3.6753, -3.0134, 2.4, 0.09326],
                    [3.65379, -2.77436, 2.7, 0.08889],
                    [3.5749, -2.53284, 3.0, 0.08469],
                    [3.44743, -2.30146, 3.4, 0.07769],
                    [3.28064, -2.08714, 3.7, 0.0734],
                    [3.08343, -1.89179, 3.7, 0.07502],
                    [2.86393, -1.71359, 3.7, 0.07641],
                    [2.62895, -1.54879, 3.7, 0.07757],
                    [2.39429, -1.36424, 3.7, 0.08068],
                    [2.16757, -1.1691, 3.7, 0.08085],
                    [1.94757, -0.96536, 3.7, 0.08104],
                    [1.73323, -0.75483, 3.7, 0.0812],
                    [1.5238, -0.53926, 3.7, 0.08123],
                    [1.31895, -0.32076, 3.7, 0.08095],
                    [1.11891, -0.10198, 3.7, 0.08012],
                    [0.9249, 0.11379, 3.7, 0.07842],
                    [0.7378, 0.32378, 3.7, 0.07601],
                    [0.56798, 0.51498, 3.7, 0.06912],
                    [0.40967, 0.69291, 3.7, 0.06437]]

    # planned speed based on waypoints
    # manually adjust the list for better performance, e.g. lower the speed before turning
    above_three_five = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 80, 81, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112]
    above_three = [9, 10, 22, 23, 24, 31, 39, 53, 54, 79, 82, 95, 96]
    above_two_five = [11, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 40, 41, 51, 52, 55, 66, 67, 68, 78, 83, 94]
    above_two = [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 42, 43, 50, 56, 57, 64, 65, 69, 76, 77, 84, 85, 92, 93]
    below_two = [44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91]
    # planned speed based on waypoints
    # observe which side the car is expected to run at
    right_track = [28,29,30,31,32,33,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,81,82,83,84,85]
    center_track =  [112, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 27,34,35,36,37,38,39,56,71,80,86,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111]
    left_track = [i for i in range(0, 112) if i not in right_track + center_track]

    # obvious sides
    strong_left =  [17,18,19,20,21,24,25,47,48,49,75,76,77,89,90]
    strong_right =[29,30,60,61,62,63,64,82,83,84]
    ################## INPUT PARAMETERS ###################

    # Read all input parameters
    x = params['x']
    y = params['y']
    distance_from_center = params['distance_from_center']
    is_left_of_center = params['is_left_of_center']
    heading = params['heading']
    progress = params['progress']
    steps = params['steps']
    speed = params['speed']
    steering_angle = abs(params['steering_angle'])
    track_width = params['track_width']
    is_offtrack = params['is_offtrack']

    ############### OPTIMAL X,Y,SPEED,TIME ################

    # Get closest indexes for racing line (and distances to all points on racing line)
    closest_index, second_closest_index = closest_2_racing_points_index(
        racing_track, [x, y])

    # Get optimal [x, y, speed, time] for closest and second closest index
    optimals = racing_track[closest_index]
    optimals_second = racing_track[second_closest_index]

    if steps == 1:
        self.first_racingpoint_index = closest_index

    ################ REWARD AND PUNISHMENT ################
    reward = 1e-3

    # Zero reward if off track ##
    if is_offtrack is True:
        return reward

    # Zero reward if obviously wrong direction (e.g. spin)
    direction_diff = racing_direction_diff(
        optimals[0:2], optimals_second[0:2], [x, y], heading)
    if direction_diff > 30:
        return reward

    # Reward if car goes close to optimal racing line
    def get_distance_reward(threshold, distance, multiplier):
        distance_reward = max(0, 1 - (distance / threshold))

        return distance_reward * multiplier

    DIST_THRESH = track_width * 0.5
    dist = dist_to_racing_line(optimals[0:2], optimals_second[0:2], [x, y])

    if (distance_from_center < 0.01 * track_width):
        if closest_index in center_track:
            reward += get_distance_reward(DIST_THRESH, dist, 1)
    elif is_left_of_center:
        if closest_index in left_track:
            reward += get_distance_reward(DIST_THRESH, dist, 1)
        if closest_index in strong_left:
            reward += get_distance_reward(DIST_THRESH, dist, 5)
        if closest_index in right_track:
            reward += get_distance_reward(DIST_THRESH, dist, 1)
        if closest_index in strong_right:
            reward += get_distance_reward(DIST_THRESH, dist, 5)

    def get_speed_reward(ceiling, threshold, diff):
        return ceiling - diff/threshold

    # Reward if speed falls within optimal range
    speed_diff = abs(optimals[2]-speed)
    if speed_diff > SPEED_DIFF_NO_REWARD:
        return 1e-3

    if closest_index in above_three_five:
        if speed >= 3.5:
            reward += get_speed_reward(0.5, SPEED_DIFF_NO_REWARD, speed_diff)
        if steering_angle > 3:
            reward *= PENALTY_RATIO
    elif closest_index in above_three:
        if speed >= 3:
            reward += get_speed_reward(0.5, SPEED_DIFF_NO_REWARD, speed_diff)
        if steering_angle > 8:
            reward *= PENALTY_RATIO
    elif closest_index in above_two_five:
        if speed >= 2.5:
            reward += get_speed_reward(0.8, SPEED_DIFF_NO_REWARD, speed_diff)
        if steering_angle > 15:
            reward *= PENALTY_RATIO
    elif closest_index in above_two:
        if speed >= 2:
            reward += get_speed_reward(1, SPEED_DIFF_NO_REWARD, speed_diff)
        if speed < 2:
            reward += get_speed_reward(3, SPEED_DIFF_NO_REWARD, speed_diff)

    # Incentive for finishing the lap in less steps ##
    REWARD_FOR_FASTEST_TIME = 2000 # should be adapted to track length and other rewards
    TARGET_STEPS = 112
    if progress == 100:
        reward += REWARD_FOR_FASTEST_TIME / (steps - TARGET_STEPS)

    #################### RETURN REWARD ####################

    # Always return a float value
    return float(reward)

reward_object = Reward()

定义奖励函数(参数): 返回reward_object.reward_function(params)

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