我正在 yii+extjs 中创建项目。我有带有 pollid 和 pollQuestion 的轮询表。选项表有 pollid 和选项。现在,在发布问题期间,我正在从投票表中检索问题,并从选项表中检索该问题的选项。并以 json_encoded 格式发送此数据。我将函数设计为-
public function actionCreate()
$model=new poll();
//$data = $record1->getAttributes();
$data= $record1->getAttributes(array('pollId','pollQuestion'));
foreach ($record1->polloptions as $option)
$data = array_merge($data, $option->with('pollId')- >getAttributes());
//echo $data;
echo CJSON::encode($data);
public function actionCreate()
$model=new poll();
//$data = $record1->getAttributes();
$data= $record1->getAttributes(array('pollId','pollQuestion'));
foreach ($record1->polloptions as $option)
$optionArray = $option->getAttributes()
//if the 2 arrays havn't the same indexes
//this way u keep the key indexes
$data = $data + $optionArray;
//if the 2 arrays could have the same indexes
$data = array_push($data, $optionArray);
//echo $data;
echo CJSON::encode($data);